System Development with Python

Week 4, Databases

Today's topics

Why a DB?

Relational Databases

A quick overview of SQL: History, Concepts, and Syntax

SQL - Structured Query Language

What is SQL

RDMSs You're Likely to Encounter


Open Source

This list is far from exhaustive

SQL Tables

Here is an example table which represents people in a system:

| id | username   | first_name | last_name |
|  1 | wont_u_b   | Fred       | Rogers    |
|  4 | neuroman   | William    | Gibson    |
|  5 | race       | Roger      | Bannon    |

SQL Relations

Types of Relations

There are three basic types of relationships:

SQL Relations ( ∞ → 1)

The many table has a column which holds the primary key of the row from the one table:

Consider the relationship of books to author:

Books → Author


| id | username  | first_name | last_name |
|  4 | neuroman  | William    | Gibson    |
|  6 | harrywho  | Harry      | Houdini   |


| id | title                             | author |
|  1 | Miracle Mongers and their Methods | 6      |
|  2 | The Right Way to Do Wrong         | 6      |
|  3 | Pattern Recognition               | 4      |

SQL Relations (1 → 1)

One-to-one relationships are a special case of Many-to-one

In this case, the column on the related table which holds the primary key of the target table has an additional unique constraint, so that only one related record can exist

Can be used for data that doesn't need to be accessed often and is unique per record

Consider the example of birth records:

Birth Record → Person


| id | username  | first_name | last_name |
|  1 | wont_u_b  | Fred       | Rogers    |
|  4 | neuroman  | William    | Gibson    |
|  5 | race      | Roger      | Bannon    |

Birth Records

| id | person | date           | place        |
|  1 | 1      | March 20, 1928 | Latrobe, PA  |
|  2 | 4      | March 17, 1948 | Conway, SC   |
|  3 | 5      | April 1, 1954  | Wilmette, IL |

SQL Relations (∞ ↔ ∞)

You can't have a multi-valued field in traditional SQL, so there's no way to define a foreign key-like construct

Instead, this relationship is modelled using a join table. This is just a regular table which has twoforeign key fields, one for each side of the relation

Beyond these two, other columns can add data points describing the qualities of the relation itself

Group Memberships


| id | username   | first_name | last_name |
|  7 | whitequeen | Emma       | Frost     |
|  8 | shadowcat  | Kitty      | Pryde     |


| id | name          |
|  1 | Hellfire Club |
|  2 | X-Men         |


| id | person | group | active |
|  1 | 7      | 1     | False  |
|  2 | 7      | 2     | True   |
|  3 | 8      | 2     | True   |

SQL Syntax

The syntax of SQL can be broken into constructs:

3 value logic truth tables

SQL Syntax - Subsets

SQL statements belong to one of several subsets

SQL Syntax - Subsets

Data Definition

Statements in this subset concern the structure of the database itself:

CREATE TABLE "groups" (
  "group_id" character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  "name" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  "description" text NOT NULL
DROP TABLE groups;

SQL Syntax - Subsets

Data Manipulation

Statements in this subset concern the altering of data within the database:

UPDATE people
    SET first_name='Bill'
    WHERE id=4;
    WHERE id=4;

SQL Syntax - Subsets

Data Query

Statements in this subset concern the retrieval of data from within the database:

SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) c
  FROM (SELECT setting_value AS interests, user_id
          FROM user_settings
          WHERE setting_name = 'interests') raw_uid
  GROUP BY user_id HAVING c > 1;

Python's DB API

An introduction to the standard interface for Pythonic database interactions

Why the DB API?

Despite the SQL's standardization, individual databases have lots of differences

Programmers don't want to have to think about implementation details for underlying systems

It would be nice to have a single API to hide these details

Any package implementing this API would then be interchangeable

DB-API v1.0

Finalized in 1996, PEP 248 specified DB-API version 1.0 to fulfill this goal:

This API has been defined to encourage similarity between the Python modules that are used to access databases. By doing this, we hope to achieve a consistency leading to more easily understood modules, code that is generally more portable across databases, and a broader reach of database connectivity from Python.

DB-API v2.0

By 2001, PEP 249 brought version 2.0 of the DB-API specification, with improvements:

Discussions are currently underway to push DB-API v3.0, particularly in light of the change to Python 3.0

A Note on DB API

It is important to remember that PEP 249 is only a specification

There is no code or package for DB-API 2.0 on it's own.

Since 2.5, the Python Standard Library has provided a reference implementation of the api based on SQLite3

Before version 2.5, this package was available as pysqlite

Using DB API

To use the DB API with any database other than SQLite3, you must have an underlying API package available.

Implementations are available for:

Installing API Packages

Common db api packages can be installed using pip

$ pip install psycopg2
$ pip install mysql-python

Most api packages will require that the development headers for the underlying database system be available. Without these, the C symbols required for communication with the db are not present and the python interface cannot work.

Other drivers

Some of the db api wrappers have special installation requirements:

The MS SQL package runs only on Windows and requires pywin32. It is included in versions of pywin32 since v211.

The cx_Oracle package has binary installers, or can be installed from source using distutils:

$ python build
$ python install

What Do You Get?

What is in the DB API?


DB-API2 implementations provide the following global values:

These can be used to tailor your program's expectations

A Constructor

DB API provides a constructor, connect(), which returns a Connection object:


This can be considered the entry point for the module. Once you've got a connection, everything else flows from there.

The parameters required and accepted by the connect constructor will vary from implementation to implementation, since they are specific to the underlying database.

In SQLite, just pass connect() a string containing a filename in which to open or create your database. Use ":memory:" to create an in-memory database.

A Connection

Some methods may not be supported by all implementations:

Cursor settings

You can use a few values to control the rows returned by the cursor:

The final two methods may be implemented as no-ops

A Cursor - operations

The cursor is used to run operations on the database:


You can do all work on the data without using placeholders by constructing the entire query by hand:

# don't do this!
query = "SELECT * from books where author_id = " + user_input_author

In addition to being inefficient, this leaves you open to SQL injection attack. The placeholder mechanism will do the proper quoting and escaping to prevent abuse

See examples/SQL/ and examples/SQL/

A Cursor - attributes

These attributes of Cursor can help you learn about the results of operations:

A Cursor - results

These methods are the way to get results after an operation:

>>> cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM stocks ORDER BY price')
>>> for row in cursor:
        print row

(u'2006-01-05', u'BUY', u'RHAT', 100, 35.14)
(u'2006-03-28', u'BUY', u'IBM', 1000, 45.0)
(u'2006-04-06', u'SELL', u'IBM', 500, 53.0)
(u'2006-04-05', u'BUY', u'MSFT', 1000, 72.0)

Note that each of these methods will raise a DB API Error if no operation has been performed (or if no result set was produced)

Data Types in DB API

SQL NULL values are represented by Python's None

However, sqlite3 has a 'more general dynamic type system' and does not implement these.
psycopg2 does.

Date Constructors

The DB-API provides types and constructors for data:

Each of the above has a corresponding *FromTicks(ticks) method which returns the same type given a single integer argument (seconds since the epoch)


The DB API specification requires implementations to create the following hierarchy of custom Exception classes:

   |__InterfaceError (a problem with the db api)
   |__DatabaseError (a problem with the database)
      |__DataError (bad data, values out of range, etc.)
      |__OperationalError (the db has an issue out of our control)
      |__ProgrammingError (something wrong with the operation)
      |__NotSupportedError (the operation is not supported)

There are significant differences in exception handling across implementations, see examples/SQL/

End whirlwind tour of DB-API

Aside from some custom extensions not required by the specification, that's it.

So how do you interact with this?

Using Python's sqlite3 Module

A walk through the Standard Library's reference implementation of DB API 2

Getting Started

Start by moving to the examples folder, opening a Python interpreter and importing the sqlite3 module:

$ cd examples
$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Apr  4 2011, 22:22:40)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite3

Learning About the Module

We can poke the module a bit to learn about it:

>>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
>>> sqlite3.apilevel
>>> sqlite3.paramstyle
>>> sqlite3.threadsafety

===== =====================================
level meaning
===== =====================================
0     Not safe
1     Safe at Module level only
2     Safe at Module and Connection
3     Safe at Module, Connection and Cursor
===== =====================================


SQLite3 is a file-based system, and it will create the file it needs if one doesn't exist. We can create a sqlite3 database just by attempting to connect to it:

>>> import createdb
>>> createdb.main()
Need to create database and schema
>>> reload(createdb)

>>> createdb.main()
Database exists, assume schema does, too.

Let's see how this works


Open in your editor:

import os
import sqlite3

DB_FILENAME = 'books.db'
DB_IS_NEW = not os.path.exists(DB_FILENAME)

def main():
    conn =  sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME)
    if DB_IS_NEW:
        print 'Need to create database and schema'
        print 'Database exists, assume schema does, too.'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Set Up The Schema

Make the following changes to

import os
import sqlite3

DB_FILENAME = 'books.db'
SCHEMA_FILENAME = 'ddl.sql' #  this is new
DB_IS_NEW = not os.path.exists(DB_FILENAME)

def main():
    with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME) as conn:
        if DB_IS_NEW: # A whole new if clause:
            print 'Creating schema'
            with open(SCHEMA_FILENAME, 'rt') as f:
                schema =
            print 'Database exists, assume schema does, too.'
    # delete the conn.close() that was here.

Verify Your Work

Quit your python interpreter and delete the file books.db that should be in the examples folder

Then run the script from the command line to try it out:

$ python
Creating schema
$ python
Database exists, assume schema does, too.

Introspect the Database

Add the following to

# in the imports, add this line:
from utils import show_table_metadata
# in the else clause, replace the print statement with this:
print "Database exists, introspecting:"
tablenames = ['author', 'book']
cursor = conn.cursor()
for name in tablenames:
    print "\n"
    show_table_metadata(cursor, name)

Then try running python again

My Results

$ python
Table Metadata for 'author':
cid | name       | type       | notnull    | dflt_value | pk |
0   | authorid   | INTEGER    | 1          | None       | 1  |
1   | name       | TEXT       | 0          | None       | 0  |

Table Metadata for 'book':
cid | name       | type       | notnull    | dflt_value | pk |
0   | bookid     | INTEGER    | 1          | None       | 1  |
1   | title      | TEXT       | 0          | None       | 0  |
2   | author     | INTEGER    | 1          | None       | 0  |

Inserting Data

Let's load some data. Enter into the Python shell:

import sqlite3
insert = """INSERT INTO author (name) VALUES("Iain M. Banks");"""
with sqlite3.connect("books.db") as conn:
    cur = conn.cursor()

Did that work?

Querying Data

Let's query our database to find out:

query = """SELECT * from author;"""
with sqlite3.connect("books.db") as conn:
    cur = conn.cursor()
    for row in cur:
        print row

(1, u'Iain M. Banks')

Data made it in, let's make the code more efficient.

Parameterized Statements

Queries can be parameterized. The parameter style is database dependent, and can be determined from module.paramstyle

insert = """INSERT INTO author (name) VALUES(?);"""

authors = [["China Mieville"], ["Frank Herbert"], ["J.R.R. Tolkien"], ["Susan Cooper"], ["Madeline L'Engle"]]

with sqlite3.connect("books.db") as conn:
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.executemany(insert, authors)
    print cur.rowcount

Check Your Work

Again, query the database:

query = """SELECT * from author;"""
with sqlite3.connect("books.db") as conn:
    cur = conn.cursor()
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row


Transactions let you group a number of operations together, allowing you to make sure they worked before you actually push the results into the database.

In SQLite3, operations that belong to the Data Manipulation subset (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) require an explicit commit unless auto-commit has been enabled.

So far, commits have been hidden from us by the with statement. The context manager takes care of committing when the context closes (at the end of the with statement)

Let's add some code so we can see the effect of transactions.

Populating the Database

Let's start by seeing what happens when you try to look for newly added data before the insert transaction is committed.

Begin by quitting your interpreter and deleting books.db.

Then re-create the database, empty:

$ python
    Creating schema

Setting Up the Test

In, look at this code at the end of the file:

with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME) as conn1:
    print "\nOn conn1, before insert:"

    authors = ([author] for author in AUTHORS_BOOKS.keys())
    cur = conn1.cursor()
    cur.executemany(author_insert, authors)
    print "\nOn conn1, after insert:"

    with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME) as conn2:
        print "\nOn conn2, before commit:"

        print "\nOn conn2, after commit:"

Running the Test

Quit your python interpreter and run the script:

$ python
On conn1, before insert:
no rows returned
On conn1, after insert:
(1, u'China Mieville')
(2, u'Frank Herbert')
(3, u'Susan Cooper')
(4, u'J.R.R. Tolkien')
(5, u"Madeline L'Engle")
On conn2, before commit:
no rows returned
On conn2, after commit:
(1, u'China Mieville')
(2, u'Frank Herbert')
(3, u'Susan Cooper')
(4, u'J.R.R. Tolkien')
(5, u"Madeline L'Engle")


That's all well and good, but what happens if an error occurs?

Transactions can be rolled back in order to wipe out partially completed work.

Like with commit, using connect as a context manager in a with statement will automatically rollback for exceptions.

Let's rewrite our populatedb script so it explicitly commits or rolls back a transaction depending on exceptions occurring

edit (slide 1)

First, add the following function above the if __name__ == '__main__' block:

def populate_db(conn):
    authors = ([author] for author in AUTHORS_BOOKS.keys())
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.executemany(author_insert, authors)

    for author in AUTHORS_BOOKS.keys():
        params = ([book, author] for book in AUTHORS_BOOKS[author])
        cur.executemany(book_insert, params)

edit (slide 2)

Then, in the runner:

with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME) as conn1:
    with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME) as conn2:
            print "\nauthors and books on conn2 before commit:"
        except Exception:
            print "\nauthors and books on conn2 after rollback:"
            print "\nauthors and books on conn2 after commit:"

Try it Out

Remove books.db, recreate the database, then run our script:

$ rm books.db
$ python
Creating schema
$ python

authors and books on conn2 after rollback:
no rows returned
no rows returned
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 57, in 
  File "", line 46, in populate_db
    cur.executemany(book_insert, params)
sqlite3.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type.

Oooops, Fix It

Okay, we got an error, and the transaction was rolled back correctly.

Open and find this:

'Susan Cooper': ["The Dark is Rising", ["The Greenwitch"]],

Fix it like so:

'Susan Cooper': ["The Dark is Rising", "The Greenwitch"],

It appears that we were attempting to bind a list as a parameter. Ooops.

Try It Again

Now that the error in our data is repaired, let's try again:

$ python

Reporting authors and books on conn2 before commit:
no rows returned
no rows returned
Reporting authors and books on conn2 after commit:
(1, u'China Mieville')
(2, u'Frank Herbert')
(3, u'Susan Cooper')
(4, u'J.R.R. Tolkien')
(5, u"Madeline L'Engle")
(1, u'Perdido Street Station', 1)
(2, u'The Scar', 1)
(3, u'King Rat', 1)
(4, u'Dune', 2)
(5, u"Hellstrom's Hive", 2)
(6, u'The Dark is Rising', 3)
(7, u'The Greenwitch', 3)
(8, u'The Hobbit', 4)
(9, u'The Silmarillion', 4)
(10, u'A Wrinkle in Time', 5)
(11, u'A Swiftly Tilting Planet', 5)


So far, our transactions have been managed. Either explicitly by us, or automatically by the context manager statement with

This behavior is the result of an aspect of the database connection called the isolation level. There are three isolation levels available:

The default level is DEFERRED


The isolation level of a connection can be set with a keyword argument provided to the connect constructor:

con = sqlite3.connect('mydb.db', isolation_level="EXCLUSIVE")

If you explicitly set this argument to None, you can enable autocommit behavior.

If autocommit is enabled, then any DML operations that occur on a connection will be immediately committed

Testing Autocommit

First, edit

with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME, isolation_level=None) as conn1:
    with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILENAME, isolation_level=None) as conn2:

Next, undo your changes to so that the error we had will happen again

Finally, delete books.db, recreate it and test the populate script::

$ rm books.db
$ python
Creating schema
$ python

The Result

authors and books on conn2 after rollback:
(1, u'China Mieville')
(2, u'Frank Herbert')
(3, u'Susan Cooper')
(4, u'J.R.R. Tolkien')
(5, u"Madeline L'Engle")
(1, u'Perdido Street Station', 1)
(2, u'The Scar', 1)
(3, u'King Rat', 1)
(4, u'Dune', 2)
(5, u"Hellstrom's Hive", 2)
(6, u'The Dark is Rising', 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 57, in 
  File "", line 46, in populate_db
    cur.executemany(book_insert, params)
sqlite3.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type.

EXCLUSIVE isolation

There's not a whole lot of difference between the default "DEFERRED" isolation level and "IMMEDIATE"

There's quite a large difference, though for the "EXCLUSIVE" level.

Open in your editors.

This is an example of using our existing database population setup in a threaded environment. One thread will load the database, the other will read it.

Take a few moments to review the control flow here. What should happen?

Testing It

First, re-fix the bug in our file so that we don't get errors when running this test.

Then kill the old database, recreate it, and run our new script:

$ rm books.db
$ python
Creating schema
$ python

The Results

2013-04-30 15:37:37,556 (Writer    ) connecting
2013-04-30 15:37:37,556 (Reader    ) waiting to sync
2013-04-30 15:37:37,556 (Writer    ) connected
2013-04-30 15:37:37,557 (Writer    ) changes made
2013-04-30 15:37:37,557 (Writer    ) waiting to sync
2013-04-30 15:37:39,556 (MainThread) sending sync event
2013-04-30 15:37:39,557 (Reader    ) beginning read
2013-04-30 15:37:39,557 (Reader    ) beginning read
2013-04-30 15:37:39,557 (Writer    ) PAUSING
2013-04-30 15:37:42,559 (Writer    ) CHANGES COMMITTED
2013-04-30 15:37:42,590 (Reader    ) selects issued
(1, u'China Mieville')
(2, u'Frank Herbert')
(3, u'Susan Cooper')
(4, u'J.R.R. Tolkien')
(5, u"Madeline L'Engle")
2013-04-30 15:37:42,590 (Reader    ) results fetched
2013-04-30 15:37:42,590 (Reader    ) beginning read
2013-04-30 15:37:42,590 (Reader    ) selects issued
(1, u'Perdido Street Station', 1)
(2, u'The Scar', 1)
(3, u'King Rat', 1)
(4, u'Dune', 2)
(5, u"Hellstrom's Hive", 2)
(6, u'The Dark is Rising', 3)
(7, u'The Greenwitch', 3)
(8, u'The Hobbit', 4)
(9, u'The Silmarillion', 4)
(10, u'A Wrinkle in Time', 5)
(11, u'A Swiftly Tilting Planet', 5)
2013-04-30 15:37:42,591 (Reader    ) results fetched


Non RDBMS options

In "NoSQL" these key features are mostly shared:

Database Schema

A database schema is the organization of data, and description of how a database is constructed: Divided into database tables, and relationships: foreign keys, etc.

Includes what fields in what tables, what data types each field is, normalization of shared data, etc.

This requires work up-front, and can be hard to adapt as the system requirements change.

It can also require effort to map your programming data model to the schema.


Schemaless databases generally follow a "document model".

Each entry in the database is a "document":

Not every entry has to have exactly the same structure.

Maps well to dynamic programming languages.

Adapts well as the system changes.

NoSQL in Python:

Three Categories:

1. Simple key-value object store

2. External NoSQL system

3. Python object database


The Zope Object Data Base: A native object database for Python


Other Options to Consider

Redis: Advanced, Scalable key-value store.

Riak: High availability/scalablity

HyperDex: "Next generation key-value store"

Apache Cassandra: A more schema-based NoSQL solution

Example Data Model

An Address Book with a not quite trivial data model.

There are people::


There are households::

(similarly businesses)

see examples/NoSQL/

Using ZODB

ZODB stores Python objects. To make an object persistent:

import persistent

class Something(persistent.Persistent):
  def __init__(self):
      self.a_field = ''
      self.another_field ''

When a change is made to the fields, the DB will keep it updated.

See examples/NoSQL/

Mutable Attributes in ZODB

Something.this = that
# will trigger a DB action

# But:

# will not trigger anything.

# The DB doesn't know that that the list has been altered.
# Solution:

self.a_list = PersistentList()
# (also PersistantDict() )

# (or write getter and setter properties...)


Essentially a key-value store, but the values are JSON-like objects in the BSON (binary JSON) format

So you can store any object that can look like JSON:

MongoDB and Python

MongoDB is written in C++ -- can be accessed by various language drivers

For Python we have PyMongo

There are also various tools for integrating mongoDB with Python frameworks:

Getting started with mongoDB

mongoDB is separate program. Installers here:

Create a dir for the database:

$ mkdir mongo_data
# And start it up:
$ mongod --dbpath=mongo_data/

Creating a Mongo DB:

# create the DB
from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
store = client.store_name # creates a Database
people = store.people # creates a collection

mongo will link to the given database and collection, or create new ones if they don't exist.

Adding some stuff:

people.insert({'first_name': 'Fred',
              'last_name': 'Jones'})

Pulling Data Out

In [16]: people.find_one({'first_name':"Fred"})
{u'_id': ObjectId('534dcdcb5c84d28b596ad15e'),
 u'first_name': u'Fred',
 u'last_name': u'Jones'}

Note that it adds an ObjectID for you. See examples/NoSQL/


