System Development with Python

Week 5 :: XML

Today's topics


Extensible Markup Language (XML) defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human- and machine-readable.

It's been around since about 1996, so all major platforms have good support

Has robust validation frameworks: Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML Schema Definition (XSD)

Subject to vulnerabilities. (For example examples/

Wikipedia example

In the repository you'll find a random portion of the wikipedia database, found in examples/data/enwiki-latest-pages-articles1.xml-p000000010p000010000-shortened.bz2

Original source is here, but it's pretty big so we'll just use a subset of it.

We'll parse this using several of the tools presented.

SAX versus DOM

SAX - Simple API for XML

DOM - Document Object Model


The xml.sax package provides a number of modules which implement the Simple API for XML (SAX) interface for Python

A SAX application has three kinds of objects: readers, handlers, and input sources

Handling SAX events

xml.sax.handler defines 4 kinds of handlers:

The most important handler for getting your job done is xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler

To create your handler, just subclass ContentHandler

3 methods are necessary to override in order to get element data:

examples/ creates a handler which logs the content of every <title> tag it encounters

Try running this to make sure it works

Now it's your turn.


The xml.dom package provides a number of modules which implement the Document Object Model API

A reference implementation is in xml.dom.minidom - Minimal DOM implementation

DOM is an RFC standard which minidom implements. If you've done DOM manipulation in Javascript, the methods will be familiar: createElement, getElementsByTagName, appendChild, ..


To get a reference to a Document object for your XML, just pass it to one of the parse methods:

The optional parser argument is for passing a SAX2 parser object

You can also create a Document from scratch by calling a method on a "DOM Implementation" object:

from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation

impl = getDOMImplementation()

newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, "some_tag", None)
top_element = newdoc.documentElement
text = newdoc.createTextNode('Some textual content.')

manipulating the DOM

Duplicate a node with node.cloneNode(deep) # True or False to specify a deep or shallow copy

Get a reference to a node's parent with node.parentNode

append a node to another with node.appendChild(element)

Create a new node with document.createElement('elementname')

examples/ reads a Document, then logs the content of every <title> tag it encounters

Try running this to make sure it works

Now it's your turn.

xml.etree.ElementTree — The ElementTree XML API

Integrated into Python 2.5, provides a more Pythonic API to the document, not tied to the DOM standard

Provides limited XPath support

xml.etree.cElementTree is a compatible C implementation

Creating an ElementTree

Parse a file with xml.etree.ElementTree.parse

Parse an XML string with xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring

Write out an ElementTree with xml.etree.ElementTree.write(f) # filename or file object

XML Namespaces

A W3C specification for uniquely identifying elements and attributes in an XML document

Multiple namespaces can be included in one document

Namespace names are URIs, strings chosen for their uniqueness property. Nothing is implied about the data behind the URI.

XML namespace definitions are added to an element, and apply to all child elements. Thus they are usually applied to the root element. For instance, in our sample data the root element is:

<mediawiki xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.8" xml:lang="en" >

The namespace of an element is indicated by adding prefix: to the element, e.g.

<html:p>explicit html p tag</html:p >

Namespaces in ElementTree

In an Element tree, qualified names are stored fully qualified in "Clark's notation", which is a single string of the form {uri}local, e.g. {}page

When locating elements in a namespaced document, either pass the fully qualified name in the form above to find/findall/iterfind, or add the namespaces kwarg. e.g.

namespaces = {'xmlns': ''}
for title in root.findall('xmlns:page/xmlns:title', namespaces=namespaces):

examples/ logs the content of every <title> tag it encounters

Try running this to make sure it works

Now it's your turn, do the same author counting as with SAX, but this time use ElementTree.


lxml is Python binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt

Does not ship with Python

provides an interface similar to ElementTree

provides a SAX compliant API

has a focus on performance

