Intro to Numpy / Scipy


The scipy “Stack” is a collection of core packages used for scientific / numerical computing.

Many other domain-specific packages area available:

Core “stack” is what most people will want, regardless of domain.

What’s in the scipy stack?

The ipython “notebook”

iPython has been used here and there in class. It’s another interactive console for testing and running Python code.

It has another useful interface: the “notebook”

The notebook provides a way to intersperse chunks of text, code and images

It runs in a browser, you kick it off with:

ipython notebook

It should start your browser and show the notebooks in the directory where you ran the command


numpy is the core package that entire scipy stack is built on.

The other tools rest on understanding what a numpy array is – that’s mostly what we’ll talk about here

So what is numpy?

It’s a Python extension module ( docs )

  1. An N-Dimensional array object
  • Really this ndarray is the core of it all
  1. A whole pile of tools for operations on/with that object.

Why numpy?

Classic answer: Lots of numbers

  • Faster
  • Less memory
  • More data types

Even if you don’t have lot of numbers:

  • N-d array slicing
  • Vector operations
  • Flexible data types

Wrapper for a block of memory:

  • Interfacing with C libs
  • PyOpenGL
  • GDAL
  • NetCDF4
  • Shapely

Image processing:

  • PIL
  • WxImage
  • ndimage

This Talk

There are a lot of tutorials and documentation out there.

Let’s spend some time on the “how to use it” stuff.

Getting started

Example code is in the class repo:


Those are a bunch of ipython notebooks.

Get your command line into that dir, then start up the iPyhton notebook:

$ ipython notebook

This should fie up your browser, and give you a list of notebooks to choose from.

Array Constructors:

How do you make an array?

From scratch: ones(), zeros(), empty(), arange(), linspace(), logspace()

( Default dtype: np.float64 )

From sequences: array(), asarray() ( Build from any sequence )

demo: constructors.ipynb

Indexing and slicing

How do you get parts of the array out?

Indexing and slicing much like regular python sequences, but extended to multi-dimensions.

However: a slice is a “view” on the array – new object, but shares memory:

demo: slice.ipynb


numpy arrays have a particular shape.

But they are really wrappers around a block of data

So they can be re-shaped – same data, arranged differently

demo: reshaping.ipynb


Element-wise operations among two different rank arrays:

This is the key power of numpy!

Simple case: scalar and array:

In [37]: a
Out[37]: array([1, 2, 3])
In [38]: a*3
Out[38]: array([3, 6, 9])

Great for functions of more than one variable on a grid

demo: broadcasting.ipynb

Fancy Indexing

As we’ve seen, you can slice and dice nd arrays much like regular python sequences.

This model is extended to multiple dimensions.

But it still only lets you extract rectangular blocks of elements.

For more complex sub-selection: we use “fancy indexing”:

demo: fancy_indexing.ipynb

Stride Tricks

numpy arrays are really wrappers about “strided data”

This means that there is a single linear block of memory with the values in it.

The “strides” describe how that data is arranged to look like an array of more dimensions: 2D, 3D, 4D etc.

Mostly, numpy handles all this under the hood for you, so you can logically work with the data as though it were multi-dimensional.

But you can actually manipulate the description of the data, so that it “acts” like it is arranged differently than it is:



Open up /examples/week-05-numpy/images/

1. Write a function that rotates the image 180 degrees ( multiple ways to do this )

2. Write a function that crops the image to some dimension of your choice

3. Create a small test RGB image (see below). Choose an RGB value set to replace. How do we target that selection? ( HINT: np.all ):

print np.random.choice([0,255],size=(4,4,3)).astype( np.uint8 )
array([[[255, 255, 255],
        [  0,   0, 255],
        [  0,   0, 255],
        [  0, 255, 255]],


Matplotlib is the most common plotting library for python.

  • Flexible
  • Publication quality
  • Primarily 2d graphics (some 3d)

See the Gallery here:

matplotlib APIs

Matplotlib has two different (but related) APIs:

1. The “pylab” API:

  • Derived from the MATLAB API, and most suitable for interactive use

2. The Object Oriented API:

  • reflects the underlying OO structure of matplolib
  • more “pythonic”
  • much better suited to embedding plotting in applications
  • better suited to re-using code


Here is a small ipython notebook tutorial to run through:


There are two notebooks in the directory – the learner and instructor notebooks. They are identical. Use the learner and keep the instructor for backup in case something gets messed up.

Here is a more thorough tutorial for you to go through when you have more time:


Python Data Analysis Library

Pandas provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.

Modeled after R’s dataframe concept, it provides some pretty neat tools for doing simple statistical analysis and plotting of larg-ish data sets.

It’s particularly powerful for time series.

Learning Pandas

The official documentation is excellent, including tutorials:

In addition, there are a large number of tutorials on the web:

This one is oriented to folks familiar with SQL:

And this is a good one to get started quick:


The scipy package itself is a large collection of cool stuff for scientific computing. ( )

You’ll see there lots of stuff! If it’s at all general purpose for computation, you’re likely to find it there.

Some of the most common sub-packages:

  • Special functions (scipy.special)
  • Integration (scipy.integrate)
  • Optimization (scipy.optimize)
  • Interpolation (scipy.interpolate)
  • Fourier Transforms (scipy.fftpack)
  • Signal Processing (scipy.signal)
  • Linear Algebra (scipy.linalg)
  • Spatial data structures and algorithms (scipy.spatial)
  • Statistics (scipy.stats)
  • Multidimensional image processing (scipy.ndimage)