Test Addendum

The things we forgot to talk about

Automate As Much As Possible

The tooling and analysis that helps you write good code can be cumbersome to manage. Earlier examples showed us tools such as:

coverage ( detail where you need more tests )

pep8 ( for style errors )

pyflakes ( for functional errors )

Isn’t there an easier way to see the interaction of these things with my code?

IDE(s) of Course

Text editors can handle some static analyis, lookups. Most, like Sublime, come with plugins

A full-blown IDE usually comes with that plus more:

  • jumping around the codebase faster ( ex. source code )
  • debugging
  • syntax, style, functional errors
  • testing is integrated
  • sometimes coverage is too

IDE Examples

Common Python IDE(s):

  • Aptana Studio
  • PyDev
  • PyCharm

PyCharm Example ( Coverage and PEP8 )

Remember this wonderful program?

from sys import *

a = 0; b = 1

def foo( x ):
    if x:
        print "in branch"
        if x + 1:
            print "+ 1"
    print "out of branch"

Decorator definition

Python functions can accept functions as arguments and return them:

def x( function_z ):
    def y():
        # execute the passed fn
    return y

We also know that Python functions are just objects:

In [1]: def foo():pass

In [2]: isinstance( foo, object )
Out[2]: True

What if we wanted to add additional functionality to an object at runtime but without changing the object?

If we do this type of thing a lot, then we are just following a pattern ( as in Gang-of-Four )

Decorator example and demo

def loggly(func):
    def logger(*args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs.get( 'muffle', False ):
            print "executing '{}'".format( func.__name__ )
            print "\twith args: {}".format( args )
            print "\twith kwargs: {}".format( kwargs )
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return logger

Decorator Excercise

  1. Write a decorator that times the execution of a function