Week 2 Leftovers

Name Mangling and Decorators ( Addendum )

Name Mangling Protects Expected Behavior

Name mangling out in the wild:

  • some coders attempt to use it as a “private accessor”
  • protection by obfuscation
  • we saw a method definition Foo.__update gets mangled as Foo._Foo__update

The “intended” use case enforced expected behavior during inheritence [1]

[1]The Art of Subclassing by Raymond Hettinger, PyCon US 2012

Name Mangling Use Case

Take a look at /week-03-leftovers/reason_to_mangle.py

class Parent( object ):
    def __init__(self, iterable):
        self.internal_state = []

    def update(self, iterable):
        for i in iterable:

class Child( Parent ):
    def update(self,iterable):
        self.foobar = list(iterable)

c = Child([1,2,3,4,5])

Where to Use Decorators?

Gut checking use cases:

  • it’s a form of refactoring and code reuse; we have some logic that we can generalize
  • we want to modify an existing function’s input/output without modifying the function signature

Developers always need to weigh design choices against drawbacks – some include:

  • Readability
  • Simplicity
  • Optimization ( Speed/Memory )

Do we really need to use a decorator?

# remember this elegant little thing? sure is beautiful
def memoize(f):
    memo = {}
    def inner(x):
        if x not in memo:
            memo[x] = f(x)
        return memo[x]
    return inner

def fib(n):
    if n in [0,1]:
        return n
        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

print fib(10)

Positives about memoize decorator:

  • sure is elegant and pythonic ( has a sense of style, if, we can understand it )
  • it’s faster than the straight-ahead recursive version ( everyone loves fast things )

Drawbacks about memoize decorator:

  • it’s hard to reason about the execution ( readability might be suffering )


Rewrite the recursive fib function in week-03-leftovers/memoize_recursive_decorate.py

  1. keep the recursion
  2. rewrite it so you don’t use a memoize decorator. move the memoize logic into the function
  3. which version of of fib is more readable and appeals to your sense of style?

HINT: The inner function is a good indication of how to approach it

def inner(x):
    if x not in memo:
        memo[x] = f(x)
    return memo[x]

Evaluate the Output

  1. Run the module week-03-leftovers/solutions/memoize_recursive_decorate.py
  2. What does the output tell us about the execution?