System Development with Python

Week 1 :: unit testing review / coverage

What is testing?

Code which runs across your application and validates its behavior

#!/usr/bin/env python
    def func():

    while True:
        print "> ",
        if raw_input() == 'x':

Levels of testing:

Unit testing

What should be tested?

The percentage of code which gets run in a test is known as the coverage.

100% coverage is an ideal to strive for. Tests require maintenance and time

Testing with Python

Unit testing tools

unittest.TestCase anatomy

import unittest

class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

    def test_add(self):
        self.assertEqual(2+2, 4)

    def test_len(self):
        self.assertEqual(len('foo'), 3)


Running your tests

Call unittest.main() right in your module

if __name__ == "__main__":

Assert methods

TestCase contains a number of methods named assert* which can be used for validation, here are a few common ones:


Modify one test method of /examples/week-01/unittest_ex/

  1. Implement a passing assert statement for each assert method on the last slide ( docs unittest.html#assert-methods )
  2. Run the test module and make sure all assertions pass
  3. Do you understand where you'd use each type of assert?

Fixtures: Setting up your tests for success (or failure!)

Fixtures can be set up fresh before each test for reusable contexts

unittest provides fixture support via these methods:


Let's play with the code in /examples/week-01/unittest_ex/

Testing floating point values

Why can't we just test if .5 == .5 ?

In [19]: 3*.15 == .45
Out[19]: False

In [24]: 3*.15 * 10 / 10  == .45
Out[24]: True

There is an infinite amount of precision

Floats are stored as an approximation in computing hardware

levels of precision of floating point

Floating point numbers are stored in IEEE 754 64-bit double precision format, which allows 1 bit for the sign, 11 bits for the exponent, and the remaining 52 for the fraction

So we can count on 16 digits of precision in decimal:

In [39]: len(str(2**52))
Out[39]: 16

In [40]: .1+.2
Out[40]: 0.30000000000000004

In [41]: len('3000000000000000')
Out[41]: 16

# we can visualize the approximation
In [2]: "%.16f" % 0.1
Out[2]: '0.1000000000000000'

# with repeated operations, errors build up 
In [43]: sum([0.1 for i in range(10)])
Out[43]: 0.9999999999999999


Verifies two floating point values are close enough

places kwarg specifies the number of significant digits to test against

import unittest
class TestAlmostEqual(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

    def test_floating_point(self):
        self.assertEqual(3*.15, .45)

    def test_almost_equal(self):
        self.assertAlmostEqual(3*.15, .45, places=7)

See /examples/week-01/unittest_ex/


Practice makes perfect. See /examples/week-01/unittest_ex/


More practice makes perfect. See /examples/week-01/unittest_ex/

  1. Write tests around this piece of code
  2. Run tests to verify that everything works
  3. Did you cover all code paths? How can you be sure?

Test Suites

Test suites group test cases into a single testable unit

unittest.main() gets cumbersome after awhile

import unittest
from calculator_test import TestCalculatorFunctions
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCalculatorFunctions)

In terms of verbosity, that's not much better


A test runner which autodiscovers test cases

Nose will find tests for you so you can focus on writing tests, not maintaining test suites

Any file matching the testMatch conditions* will be searched for tests. They can't be executable!

Running your tests is as easy as

    $ nosetests

*defined as self.testMatch = re.compile(r'(?:^|[\\b_\\.%s-])[Tt]est' % os.sep)

nose plugins

Many plugins exist for nose, such as code coverage:

    # requires full path to nosetests:
    $ ~/virtualenvs/uwpce/bin/nosetests --with-coverage

or drop in to the debugger on failure

    $ nosetests --pdb

or parallel process your tests. Remember, unit tests should be independent of each other:

    $ nosetests --processes=5

Target a Specific Test

We don't always want to run the entire test suite

In order to run a single test with nose:


running coverage

To run coverage on your test suite:

coverage run arg1 arg2

This generates a .coverage file. To analyze it on the console:

coverage report

Else generate an HTML report in the current directory:

coverage html

To find out coverage across the standard library, add -L:

  -L, --pylib           Measure coverage even inside the Python installed
                        library, which isn't done by default.

branch coverage

consider the following code:

x = False  # 1
if x:      # 2
    print "in branch"  # 3
print "out of branch"  # 4

We want to make sure the branch is being bypassed correctly in the False case

Track which branch destinations were not visited with the --branch option to run

coverage run --branch


Tests placed in docstrings to demonstrate usage of a component to a human in a machine testable way

def square(x):
    """Squares x.

    >>> square(2)
    >>> square(-2)

    return x * x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest


As of Python 2.6, the __main__ check is unnecessary:

    python -m doctest -v


Using the existing code in /examples/week-01/calculator/

  1. Add unit tests for each method in
  2. Use setUp/tearDown methods to setup test fixtures
  3. Do you understand how they behave?
  4. Change divide to use floats and divide unit tests for floating point calculations
  5. Try adding doctests to

A Python feature before getting back to testing.. the "with" statement

Context managers via the "with" statement

Introduced in Python 2.5

If you've been opening files using "with" (and you probably should be), you have been using context managers:

    with open("file.txt", "w") as f:

A context manager is just a class with __enter__ and __exit__ methods defined to handle setting up and tearing down the context

Provides generalizable execution contexts in which setup and teardown of context are executed no matter what happens

This allows us to do things like setup/teardown and separate out exception handling code

Writing a context manager

Define __enter__(self) and __exit__(self, type, value, traceback) on a class

If __exit__ returns a true value, a caught exception is not re-raised

Let's play with a simple example in /examples/week-01/contextmanagers/

Context Manager Example

See the code below in /examples/week-01/contextmanagers/

import os, random, shutil, time
class TemporaryDirectory(object):
    """A context manager for creating a temp directory that gets destroyed on exit"""

    def __init__(self,directory):
        self.base_directory = directory

    def __enter__(self):
        # set things up = os.path.join(
            self.base_directory, str(random.random())

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        # tear it down

with TemporaryDirectory("/tmp/foo") as dir:
    # write some temp data into dir
    with open(os.path.join(dir, "foo.txt"), 'wb') as f:

Context Manager Decorator

We can skip all the boiler plate when we need a context manager

See the example /examples/week-01/context_manager/

from contextlib import contextmanager

def func(name):
    print "__enter__"
    print "__exit__"

Context Manager Example

Goal: Create a context manager which prints information on all exceptions which occur in the context and continues execution

with YourExceptionHandler():
    print "do some stuff here"

print "should still reach this point"

Why might using a context manager be better than implementing this with try..except..finally ?

Also see the contextlib module

Now we've got the tools to really test

Consider the application in the examples/week-01/wikidef directory

Give the command line utility a subject, and it will return a definition

    ./  Robot | html2text

How can we test our application code without abusing (and waiting for) Wikipedia?

Using Mock objects to test an application with service dependencies

Mock objects replace real objects in your code at runtime during test

This allows you to test code which calls these objects without having their actual code run

Useful for testing objects which depend on unimplemented code, resources which are expensive, or resources which are unavailable during test execution


The MagickMock can do a lot of "magic" things that help in testing:

Let's look at /examples/week-01/magicmock/

import mock
mock_object = mock.MagicMock() = "foo return"
# raise an exception by assigning to the side_effect attribute = Exception


Remember that hard to test ascii code in /examples/week-01/unittest_ex/

  1. Let's go back and rewrite those tests together
  2. Let's make sure our unittests only test "one" function at a time

One last Python feature before getting back to testing... @decorators

Decorator Definition...

Python functions can accept functions as arguments and return them:

def x( function_z ):
    def y():
        # execute the passed fn
    return y

We also know that Python functions are just objects:

In [1]: def foo():pass

In [2]: isinstance( foo, object )
Out[2]: True

Decorator Definition...

I want to add additional functionality to a class or function

I want to add this at runtime without changing the code of the class or function

If we do this type of thing a lot, then we are just following a Gang-of-Four pattern

Decorator Example

Find the example in /examples/week-01/decorators/

def loggly(func):
    def logger(*args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs.get( 'muffle', False ):
            print "executing '{}'".format( func.__name__ )
            print "\twith args: {}".format( args )
            print "\twith kwargs: {}".format( kwargs )
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return logger

Decorator Example

That muffle arg passing is extremely ugly

def test2(x,y,muffle=True):
    return x * y

Is there a better way? Yes and No:

def one(arg=False):
    def two_decorator(func):
        def three(*args, **kwargs):
            # important code happens here...
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return three
    return two_decorator


Using the loggly decorator as an example:

  1. Write a decorator that times the execution of a function

Where to use Decorators?

Gut checking use cases:

Developers always need to weigh design choices against drawbacks:


Let's look at the code in /examples/week-01/decorators/

Easy mocking with mock.patch

patch acts as a function decorator, class decorator, or a context manager

Inside the body of the function or with statement, the target is patched with a new object. When the function/with statement exits the patch is undone

Using patch

See /examples/week-01/solutions/

# patch with a decorator
@patch.object(Wikipedia, 'article')
def test_article_success_decorator_mocked(self, mock_method):
    article = Definitions.article("Robot")

def test_article_success_context_manager_mocked(self):
    with patch.object(Wikipedia, 'article') as mock_method:
        article = Definitions.article("Robot")


When is given the name of a non-existant article, an exception is thrown.

Add a new test that confirms this behavior
