Specific Python Language Topics

The Python Glossary:

If you find yourself confused about an terms in this document or elsewhere, the python glossary is a good place to start:


Sequences and Slicing

Arguments and Parameters

Things can get a little confusing about positional vs keyword arguments vs default parameters, etc.. And, of course the dreaded *args and **kwargs. A good place to start for definitions of terms is the glossary:


and then a nice discussion of what all that means:


Python Style:

Of course, PEP8 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) is the place to start with coding style, but if you want to go beyond that, here’s a good start:


Object Oriented Programming: classes


super is a pretty confusing topic! HEre are some good resources:

Raymond Hettinger’s PyCon2015 talk: “Super Considered Super”
