Code Reviews

Why code review

As professional developers, we need to always be learning and improving.

Code review is one of the best tools for this.

Code review is like having a personal tutor.

Getting code ready for review

  • First draft is messy
  • Refactor
  • Hope for no red marks, but expect they will be there
  • To get the most out of it, correct all that you can first
  • Code to review should be between 200 and 400 lines of code

what to look for

  • readability
  • ‘pythonic’
  • tests
  • short functions/methods
  • anything not clear

Types of code review

When refactoring or doing code reviews in person

If code is unclear:

  • write a comment explaining what the code is doing
  • work on making the code clearer
  • goal to make it clear enough to get rid of the comment(s)