
System Development with Python

  • Maria McKinley


  • The call stack
  • Exceptions
  • Debugging

The Call Stack

  • A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure (stack of plates)
  • The call stack is a stack data structure that stores information about the current active function call
  • The objects in the stack are known as “stack frames”. Each frame contains the arguments passed to the function, space for local variables, and the return address
  • It is usually (unintuitively) displayed like an upside-down stack of plates, with most recent frame on the bottom.
  • When a function is called, a stack frame is created for it and pushed onto the stack
  • When a function returns, it is popped off the stack and control is passed to the next item in the stack. If the stack is empty, the program exits

Visualize the stack!


How deep can that stack be?

i = 0

def recurse():
    global i
    i += 1
    print i


That value can be changed with sys.setrecursionlimit(N)

If we try to put more than sys.getrecursionlimit() frames on the stack, we get a RuntimeError, which is python’s version of StackOverflow

import inspect

def recurse(limit):
    local_variable = '.' * limit
    print(limit, inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()))
    if limit <= 0:
    recurse(limit - 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':



It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission

When either the interpreter or your own code detects an error condition, an exception will be raised

The exception will bubble up the call stack until it is handled. If it’s not handled by the bottom of the stack, the interpreter will exit the program.

At each level in the stack, a handler can either:

  • let it bubble through (the default)
  • swallow the exception
  • catch the exception and raise it again
  • catch the exception and raise a new one

Handling exceptions

The most basic form uses the builtins try and except

def temp_f_to_c(var):
        return(float(var) - 32)/1.8000
    except ValueError as e:
        print("The argument does not contain numbers\n", e)

A few more builtins for exception handling: finally, else, and raise

    result = x / y
except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError) as e:
    print("caught division error or maybe a value error:\n", e)
except Exception as e:
    errno, strerror = e.args
    print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno,strerror))
    # or you can just print e
    print("unhandled exception:\n", e)
    print("everything worked great")
    return result
    print("this is executed no matter what")
print('this is only printed if there is no exception')

It is even possible to use a try block without the exception clause:

    print('did it work?')

Built-in exceptions

[name for name in dir(__builtin__) if "Error" in name]

If one of these meets your needs, by all means use it. You can add messages:

raise SyntaxError("That was a mispelling")

If no builtin exceptions work, define a new exception type by subclassing Exception.

class MyException(Exception):

raise MyException("An exception doesn't always prove the rule!")

It is possible, but discouraged to catch all exceptions.

    print('no idea what the exceptions is, but I caught it')

An exception to this exception rule is when you are running a service that should not ever crash, like a web server.

In this case, it is extremely important to have very good logging so that you have reports of exactly what happened and what exception should have been thrown.

Further reading


Python Debugging

You will spend most of your time as a developer debugging. You will spend more time than you expect on google.

The Stack Trace

You already know what it looks like. Simple traceback:

$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 3, in <module>
     from trie import Trie
   File "/Users/maria/python/trie/", line 144
     print "end of word", node.value
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

But things can quickly get complicated (Here is ~1/3 of a recent traceback I had):

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “snapi3/tests/”, line 21, in test_http_get
resp =, status=200)
File “python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/webtest/”, line 323, in get
File “python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/webtest/”, line 606, in do_request
res = req.get_response(app, catch_exc_info=True)
File “python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/webob/”, line 1313, in send
application, catch_exc_info=True)
File “python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/webob/”, line 1284, in call_application

Debuggers are code which allows the inspection of state of other code during runtime.

Rudimentary tools

  • print()
  • interpreter hints
  • import logging.debug
  • assert()

Console debuggers

  • pdb/ipdb

GUI debuggers

  • Winpdb
  • IDEs: Eclipse, Wing IDE, PyCharm, Visual Studio

help from the interpreter

  1. investigate import issues with -v:
python -v

Verbose (trace import statements)

  1. inspect environment after running script with -i
python -i

Forces interpreter to remain active, and still in scope

Pdb - The Python Debugger


  • You have it already, ships with the standard library
  • Easy remote debugging
  • Works with any development environment


  • Steep-ish learning curve
  • Easy to get lost in a deep stack
  • Watching variables isn’t hard, but non-trivial

Pdb - The Python Debugger

The 4-fold ways of invoking pdb

  • Postmortem mode
  • Run mode
  • Script mode
  • Trace mode

Note: in most cases where you see the word ‘pdb’ in the examples, you can replace it with ‘ipdb’. ipdb is the ipython enhanced version of pdb which is mostly compatible, and generally easier to work with. But it doesn’t ship with Python.

Postmortem mode

For analyzing crashes due to uncaught exceptions

python -i
import pdb;

Run mode'some.expression()')

Script mode

python -m pdb

“-m [module]” finds [module] in sys.path and executes it as a script

Trace mode

Insert the following line into your code where you want execution to halt:

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

It’s not always OK/possible to modify your code in order to debug it, but this is often the quickest way to begin inspecting state

pdb in ipython

In [2]: pdb
Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON


# now halts execution on uncaught exception

If you forget to turn on pdb, the magic command %debug will activate the debugger (in ‘post-mortem mode’).

The goal of each of the preceding techniques was to get to the pdb prompt and get to work inspecting state. Most commands can be short-cutted to the first letter.

% python -m pdb
pdb> args  # print arguments and values to current function
pdb> pp a_variable  # pretty-print a_variable
pdb> where  # print stack trace, bottom is most recent command
pdb> list  # list the code including and surrounding the current running code

To repeat the current command, press only the Enter key

# execute until current function returns
pdb> return
# Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion
pdb> step
# Continue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns.
pdb> next
# Continue execution until the line with a number greater than the current one is reached
  or until the current frame returns.  Good for exiting loops.
pdb> until
# move one level up the stack
pdb> up
# move one level down the stack
pdb> down
pdb> continue  # goes until next breakpoint or end of program
# advanced: create commands to be executed on a breakpoint
pdb> commands


pdb> help break
  b(reak) ([file:]lineno | function) [, condition]
  With a line number argument, set a break there in the current
  file.  With a function name, set a break at first executable line
  of that function.  Without argument, list all breaks.  If a second
  argument is present, it is a string specifying an expression
  which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored.

  The line number may be prefixed with a filename and a colon,
  to specify a breakpoint in another file (probably one that
  hasn't been loaded yet).  The file is searched for on sys.path;
  the .py suffix may be omitted.

Can use up, down, where and list to evalutate where you are, and use that to set a new breakpoint in code coming up. Useful for getting out of rabbit holes.

pdb> break set a breakpoint file:line #
pdb> break  # list breakpoints
pdb> clear 1  # get rid of first breakpoint
pdb> break 35  # set a breakpoint in current file at line 35
# print lines in range
pdb> list 1,28

Clear (delete) breakpoints

clear [bpnumber [bpnumber...]]

disable breakpoints

disable [bpnumber [bpnumber...]]

enable breakpoints

enable [bpnumber [bpnumber...]]

Conditional Breakpoints

pdb> help condition
condition bpnumber str_condition
str_condition is a string specifying an expression which
must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored.
If str_condition is absent, any existing condition is removed;
i.e., the breakpoint is made unconditional.

Invoking pdb with nose

On error condition, drop to pdb

nosetests --pdb

On test failure, drop to pdb:

nosetests --pdb-failures

Python IDEs


From JetBrains, and integrates some of their vast array of development tools

Free Community Edition (CE) is available

Good visual debugging support


A multi-language IDE

Python support via

Automatic variable and expression watching

Supports a lot of debugging features like conditional breakpoints, provided you look in the right places!

Further reading


A multi platform Python debugger with threading support

Easier to start up and get debugging


Remote debugging with winpdb

To debug an application running a different Python, even remotely:

import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger("password")

Debugging exercise

Find the wikidef app in the examples folder

See if you can find the bug and get the app working. Use whatever debugging technique(s) you prefer.

To run the app:

python interesting_topic

where interesting_topic is a topic of interest. ;-)

Once it is working again: Using (i)pdb in module mode (python -m pdb ) to find the server type that wikipedia is using by looking at response.headers.headers in Wikipedia.article

You can enter the debugger by running

python -m pdb ./ robot

( takes the first sys arg and finds articles on wikipedia on that topic)

You can get to the code by walking through each line with ‘s’tep and ‘n’ext commands, or by setting a breakpoint and ‘c’ontinuing.

What’s the result?
