Lightning Talks from Fall 2017 Class

These are the topics of the lightning talks given in the Fall 2017 Class

Individual Talks

Eowyn C Baughman: SQLAlchemy


Po-Sung Chao: rest interface

Scott B Peterson: Pandas and numpy

Amitkumar Chudasma: how I got into python

Daniel Wojciechowski: OWASP secure dev.

Eric V Adams: openpyxl

Tian Chuan Yen

Brian Warn: Python and PDFs

The PyPDF2 package:


Guillaume R Thomas: What do I do with Python?

Marlon M Estrada: pipenv

Shibata Hiroyuki: Why Am I Here?

hacker-typer for Atom:

Ali Dehghani

David K Kan: progressbar2

Evgeny S Uvarov: paramiko

Srikanth Thadigol Reddappa: solar eclipse times, plotted

Alinafe Matenda: Driving Postgress with Python

Daniel W Kuchan: Internet of kind of dumb things

Automatically turning on a nightlight when you get our of bed.

Integrate it with the Internet

Kathryn Egan: The argparse module

Brian NagataL pdb debugger

Rajaramesh V Yaramati: database status checking tool

Common interface for multiple database types, instances..

Zandra Eng: How I got here

John Navitsky: Ansible and python

Simple, modular, written in Python…

Matthew Sachio Maeda: Celery

Parallel task runner.

Morgan Heinemann: Selenium

Open source project for web automation.

Can be driven by Python (and other languages)

James Takata: Why Python

Assorted stats about Python usage, etc….

Python is popular – and not platform specific.

Katherine Marguerite Anderson: Where I’m coming from

Completely new to Python – maybe career change from early childhood education.

Matthew D Briggs: Idea Capture

Use Python as Cloud Glue

Python can be useful for a writer.

Hiroyuki Takechi: Statistical tools – SAS and R

Jacob Olsby

Larry Beausoleil