Notes for Session 02

A collection of notes to go over in class, to keep things organized.

Lightning Talks

Up today:

Eowyn C Baughman

Po-Sung Chao

Scott B Peterson

Are you ready? We’ll do them in the middle of the session.

Class Outline

Let’s take a look at the class outline:

git / gitHub

In general, most of you seem to have got the basics down:

  • creating a new file
  • adding it to git
  • pushing it to your fork of the class repo
  • making a “pull request” on gitHub.

Any conceptual questions?

Let’s go in and clean up Brian’s fork…


Most of you seemed to do fine making the few key exceptions – any questions?


We were not expecting you to catch the exceptions – we’re really starting at the bottom here, just making sure you get used to seeing Exceptions, and what they mean.

We’ll get into Exception handling later.

eval / exec

One of you used eval to demonstrate a syntax error:

Which is a nifty way to get a Syntax Error without crashing the interpreter.

But we were actually expecting you to crash the interpreter! That’s kinda what syntax errors are about.

General Advice: don’t use eval or exec

Why not?

  • dangerous!
  • unnecessary – metaprograming! – we’ll get to that second quarter.

Coding Bat

Anyone stuck on any of them?

Anyone not like their solution?

Let’s talk about it!

Lightning Talks

Let’s take a break and do some lightning talks…

Eowyn C Baughman

Po-Sung Chao

Scott B Peterson

Now some new stuff

Grid Printer

Get a start on your own, then we’ll come together and finish it up.

Grid Printer Exercise

Fizz Buzz

Get a start on your own, then we’ll come together and finish it up.

Grid Printer Exercise


Get a start on your own, then we’ll come together and finish it up.

(seeing a pattern here?)

Fibonacci Series Exercise