Notes for Session 09

A collection of notes to go over in class, to keep things organized.

Lightning Talks

James Takata

Katherine Marguerite Anderson

Matthew D Briggs

[Make sure you’ve got the right adapter….]

Issues that came up during the week.

“private” attributes and dunders

_something vs __something vs __something__

Let’s talk about that…

Adding parameters to a subclass __init__

In general, when you override a method in a subclass, you want the method signature to be the same. That is – all the parameters should be the same.

However, sometimes, particularly with __init__, you may need a couple extra parameters. To keep things clean and extensible, you want to put the extra parameters at the beginning, before the super class’ parameters:

And this lets you use *args and **kwargs to pass along the usual ones.

class Base:
    def __init__(self, par1, par2, par3=something, par4=something):

class Subclass(Base):
    def __init__(self, newpar1, newpar2, *args, **kwargs):
        self.newpar1 = newpar1
        self.newpar2 = newpar2
        super().__init__(*args, **kwarg)

Example: html_render Anchor tag:

class A(OneLineTag):
    anchor element
    tag = "a"

    def __init__(self, link, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['href'] = link
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

This becomes particularly important with super() and subclassing…

which we will get more into today.

Any other html_render questions?

Lightning Talks

James Takata

Katherine Marguerite Anderson

Matthew D Briggs

New Topics


maybe it’s a good idea to add a sort_key method to your classes?

see IntroPython-2017/examples/Session09/

let’s try it on Circle….


classmethod is really pretty simple to use, not much to talk about. But it can be a bit challenging to “get”.

The key point is that classmethods work for subclasses – like for alternate constructors.

Let’s look at that with my Circle solution:


(and answer any other questions about Circle, while we are at it)

multiple inheritance and super()

super() is a mixed bag –it’s actually a pretty complex topic, but can be pretty easy to use – at least in the easy cases.

To get the hang of multiple inheritance, mix-ins, and super(), we’ll play around with object canvas:

See: IntroPython-2017/examples/Session09/

Object Oriented Mailroom

One more time!

Yes, it’s time to make mailroom Object oriented:

Mailroom - Object Oriented