.. _static_and_class_methods: ######################## Static and Class Methods ######################## You've seen how methods of a class are *bound* to an instance when it is created. And you've seen how the argument ``self`` is then automatically passed to the method when it is called. And you've seen how you can call *unbound* methods on a class object so long as you pass an instance of that class as the first argument. **But what if you don't want or need an instance?** Static Methods -------------- A *static method* is a method that doesn't get self: .. code-block:: ipython In [36]: class StaticAdder: ....: @staticmethod ....: def add(a, b): ....: return a + b ....: In [37]: StaticAdder.add(3, 6) Out[37]: 9 Where are static methods useful? Usually they aren't. It is often better just to write a module-level function. An example from the Standard Library (tarfile.py): .. code-block:: python class TarInfo: # ... @staticmethod def _create_payload(payload): """Return the string payload filled with zero bytes up to the next 512 byte border. """ blocks, remainder = divmod(len(payload), BLOCKSIZE) if remainder > 0: payload += (BLOCKSIZE - remainder) * NUL return payload Class Methods ------------- A class method gets the class object, rather than an instance, as the first argument .. code-block:: ipython In [41]: class Classy: ....: x = 2 ....: @classmethod ....: def a_class_method(cls, y): ....: print("in a class method: ", cls) ....: return y ** cls.x ....: In [42]: Classy.a_class_method(4) in a class method: Out[42]: 16 Why? ---- Unlike static methods, class methods are quite common. They have the advantage of being friendly to subclassing. Consider this: .. code-block:: ipython In [44]: class SubClassy(Classy): ....: x = 3 ....: In [45]: SubClassy.a_class_method(4) in a class method: Out[45]: 64 ``a_class_method`` is defined in the ``Classy`` class (see above). And it prints the class that it is called on. But despite being defined in ``Classy``, it gets the ``SubClassy`` class object as the first parameter (``cls``). So a classmethod will "do the right thing" when used in a subclass. Alternate Constructors ----------------------- Because of this friendliness to subclassing, class methods are often used to build alternate constructors. Consider the case of wanting to build a dictionary with a given iterable of keys: .. code-block:: ipython In [57]: d = dict([1,2,3]) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 d = dict([1,2,3]) TypeError: cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #0 to a sequence The stock constructor for a dictionary won't work this way. So the dict object implements an alternate constructor that *can*. .. code-block:: python @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): '''OD.fromkeys(S[, v]) -> New ordered dictionary with keys from S. If not specified, the value defaults to None. ''' self = cls() for key in iterable: self[key] = value return self (This is actually from the ``OrderedDict`` implementation in ``collections.py``). See also ``datetime.datetime.now()``, etc.... Properties, Static Methods and Class Methods are powerful features of Python's OO model. They are implemented using an underlying structure called *descriptors* `Here is a low level look`_ at how the descriptor protocol works. The cool part is that this mechanism is available to you, the programmer, as well. .. _Here is a low level look: https://docs.python.org/2/howto/descriptor.html For the Circle Excercise: use a class method to make an alternate constructor that takes the diameter instead. Ultimately, make a subclass of ``Circle``, called ``Sphere``. Check and see if the ``.from_diameter`` alternate consructor still works!