File Exercise


Get a little bit of practice with handling files and parsing simple text.

Paths and File Processing

  • Write a program which prints the full path for all files in the current directory, one per line. Use either the os module or pathlib.

  • Write a program which copies a file from a source, to a destination (without using shutil, or the OS copy command (you are essentially writing a simple version of the OS copy command)).

    • This should work for any kind of file, so you need to open the files in binary mode: open(filename, 'rb') (or 'wb' for writing). Note that for binary files, you can’t use readline() – lines don’t have any meaning for binary files.

    • Test it with both text and binary files (maybe a jpeg or something of your choosing).

    • Advanced: make it work for any size file: i.e. don’t read the entire contents of the file into memory at once.

    • This should only be a few lines of code :-)