Mailroom With Exceptions

Improve your mailroom by adding exception handling


Now that you’ve learned about exception handling, you can update your code to handle errors better, such as when a user inputs bad data.

This is a great use case for “Easier to Ask Forgiveness Than Permission” (EAFTP)

For example, when you are asking the user for a donation amount, it should be a number. rather than trying to parse the text they input to make sure it’s a number, simply try to “turn it into” an integer (or float, you decide), and if you get an error, you know they didn’t pass in a number:

amount = input("how much?")
    amount = int(amount)
except ValueError:
    # report the error and go back
    print("you need to provide a number")

# If the code gets here, then you know that the amount is now an integer.

There may be other places in your code where handling an Exception would be helpful – keep them in mind! You never want your program to crash if the error is recoverable.