Multiple Inheritance

Inheriting from more than one class.

The mechanics of multiple inheritance

Simply provide more than one parent:

class Combined(Parent1, Parent2, Parent3):
    def __init__(self, something, something else):
        # some custom initialization here.
        Parent1.__init__(self, ......)
        Parent2.__init__(self, ......)
        Parent3.__init__(self, ......)
        # possibly more custom initialization

Calls to the parent class __init__ are optional and case dependent. (and maybe you can use super()…stay tuned)

The Combined class now has ALL the attributes and methods of the multiple parent classes. You can bring a lot of functionality into a class that way.


What was the purpose behind inheritance?

Code reuse

What is the purpose behind multiple inheritance?

Code reuse

What wasn’t the purpose of inheritance?

Building massive class hierarchies for their own sake

What isn’t the purpose of multiple inheritance?

Building massive class hierarchies for their own sake


Why would you want to do this?

Hierarchies are not always simple:

  • Animal

    • Mammal

      • give_birth()

    • Bird

      • lay_eggs()

Where do you put a Platypus or Spiny Anteater?

Egg Laying Mammals

“mix-ins” can solve this problem. A mix-in is a class that can’t do anything by itself, but rather, provides functionality that can be mixed into other classes.

In the above contrived example, we could put “give_birth” (and associated methods) in a BirthGiver mixin, and lay_eggs in an EggLayer mixin, and then make our mammals, birds and platypi from them:

class Platypus(Animal, EggLayer):

class Cat(Animal, BirthGiver):

class Duck(Animal, EggLayer):

But this is pretty darn contrived … where do you use these for real?

Here is a nice discussion:

mixins in Python …

(Ignore the second part about Ruby…)

Real World Example: The wxPython FloatCanvas:

I had read about mixins quite a while ago, and I thought they were pretty cool. But I couldn’t imagine where I might actually use them.

Then I set out to write FloatCanvas – a scalable, pan-able, object-persistent drawing canvas for the wxPython toolkit.

What I discovered is that the draw objects were not in a clean hierarchy – some objects had a line (like a poly line), some had just a fill (like a dot), some had a fill and outline (polygon), some were defined by a single point (a dot again), some by a bunch of points (polygon), etc….

In order to not write a lot of repeated code – remember, “classes are for code re-use”, I put all the individual bits of functionality into mixin classes, and then simply put them together in different ways.

Once the system was set up, all you needed to write was a __init__ and a draw method to make a whole new graphic object.

Take a look at the code –quite a bit in the DrawObject base class, then a bunch of *Mixin classes that define specific functionality.

Now look at the real DrawObject classes, e.g. Line and Polygon. Not much code there:

class Polygon(PointsObjectMixin, LineAndFillMixin, DrawObject):

    def __init__(self,

    def _Draw(self,


class Line(PointsObjectMixin, LineOnlyMixin, DrawObject):

    def __init__(self,

    def _Draw(self,

There is some real code in the __init__ and _Draw – but those are still the only two methods that need to be defined to make a fully functional drawobject.

FloatCanvas has a lot of complications with handling mouse events, and managing pens and brushes, and what have you, so a very trimmed down version, using the Python Imaging Library, is here to check out and modify:


This code requires the Python Imaging Library to do the rendering. You can get it by installing the “pillow” package from PyPi:

python -m pip install pillow

Can you add other types of DrawObjects ? Maybe a polygon or ??

Python’s Multiple Inheritance Model

Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

Emphasis on cooperative!

  • Play by the rules and everybody benefits (parents, descendants).

  • Play by the rules and nobody gets hurt (yourself, mostly).

  • We’re all adults here.

What could go wrong?

The Diamond Problem

In Python, everything is descended from ‘object’. Thus, the moment you invoke multiple inheritance you have the diamond problem.

Here is a toy Python example:

Take a look at that code – run it, and notice that class A’s method gets run twice. Make sure you know why it is doing what it is doing.


super() can help.

super(): use it to call a superclass method, rather than explicitly calling the unbound method on the superclass.

instead of:

class A(B):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        B.__init__(self, *argw, **kwargs)

You can do:

class A(B):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

MRO: Method Resolution Order

How does python decide which method to call, when multiple superclasses may have the same method ?

class Combined(Super1, Super2, Super3)

Attributes are located bottom-to-top, left-to-right

  • Is it an instance attribute ?

  • Is it a class attribute ?

  • Is it a superclass attribute ?

    • Is it an attribute of the left-most superclass?

    • Is it an attribute of the next superclass?

    • and so on up the hierarchy…

  • Is it a super-superclass attribute ?

  • … also left to right …

Super’s Superpowers

The above system is clear when the hierarchy is simple – but when you have the “diamond problem” – or even more compexity, we need somethign smarter. Enter super().

super works out – dynamically at runtime – which classes are in the delegation order.

Do not be afraid. And be very afraid.

What does super() do?

class ChildB(Base):
    def __init__(self):
        mro = type(self).mro()
        for next_class in mro[mro.index(ChildB) + 1:]: # slice to end
            if hasattr(next_class, '__init__'):

super returns a “proxy object” that delegates method calls.

It’s not returning the object itself – but you can call methods on it as though it were a class object.

It runs through the method resolution order (MRO) to find the method you call.

Key point: the MRO is determined at run time

But it’s not as simple as finding and calling the first superclass method it finds: super() will call all the sibling superclass methods:

Here is an example of a class that inherits from three superclasses:

class D(C, B, A):
    def __init__(self):

Since you have called __init__ on the super() object, this is essentially the same as calling all three super class __init__ methods:

class D(C, B, A):
    def __init__(self):

Keep in mind that super() can be used for any method, not just __init__ – while you usually do want to initiallize all the superclasses, you may not want to call the same method on every superclass if it’s a more specialized method.

But if you do, it’s kind of handy.

Using super()

The rules:

Raymond Hettinger’s rules for super()

  1. The method being called by super() needs to exist

  2. The caller and callee need to have a matching argument signature

  3. Every occurrence of the method needs to use super()

  1. Is pretty obvious :-)

  2. We’ll get into in a moment

  3. This is a tricky one – you just need to remember it. What it means is that, for instance, if you are using super() to call __init__ in the superclass(es), then all the superclasses __init__ methods must ALSO call it:

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Failure to do that will cause odd errors!

This is a bit weird – it means that if you have a method that may get called with a super call, it needs to use super itself, EVEN if it doesn’t need to call the superclass’ method!

See the example later for this…

Matching Argument Signature

Remember that super does not only delegate to your superclass, it delegates to any class in the MRO.

Therefore you must be prepared to call any other class’s method in the hierarchy and be prepared to be called from any other class’s method.

The general rule is to pass all arguments you received on to the super function.

That means that all the methods with the same name need to be able to accept the same arguments. In some cases, that’s straightforward – they are all the same. But sometimes it gets tricky.

Remember that if you write a function that takes:

def fun(self, *args, **kwargs)

It can accept ANY arguments. But if you find yourself needing to do that – maybe super isn’t the right thing to use??

But a really common case, particularly for an __init__, is for it to take a bunch of keyword arguments. And a subclass may take one or two more, and then want to pass the rest on. So a common pattern is:

class Subclass(Superclass):
    def __init__(self, extra_arg1, extra_arg2, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Now your subclass doesn’t really need to think about all the arguments the superclass can take.

Two seminal articles

“Super Considered Harmful” – James Knight

“Super() considered super!” – Raymond Hettinger

Both perspectives worth your consideration. In fact, they aren’t that different…

Both actually say similar things:

  • The method being called by super() needs to exist

  • Every occurrence of the method needs to use super():

    • Use it consistently, and document that you use it, as it is part of the external interface for your class, like it or not.

If you follow these rules, then it really can be super


First, let’s look at the diamond problem again – this time using super:

in this case, we are using super(), rather than specifically calling the methods of the superclasses:

class D(B, C):
    def do_your_stuff(self):
        print("doing D's stuff")

And when we run it, we see that calling super().do_your_stuff() once in D results in the method being called on all the superclasses, with no duplication:

calling D's method
doing A's stuff
doing C's stuff
doing B's stuff
doing D's stuff

Some more experiments with super

super takes a while to wrap your head around – try running the code in:

See if you can follow all that!