Advanced Object Oriented Features of Python

  • Chris Barker


Like ‘def’, class is used to define something. A class is a logical grouping of data and functions (methods). Often based on the real world, like ‘Customer’ or ‘Product’

Can be thought of as ‘blueprints for creating objects’


Important to be consistent. Objects should start in a valid state:

Initialize everything in the __init__ method!

What if you want a truck class too?

Create a Vehicle class, and subclasses.

class Vehicle():
   def __init__(self, something):
       self.something = something

class Car(Vehicle):
   def __init__(self, something):
       Vehicle.__init(self, something)

class Truck(Vehicle):
   def __init__(self, something):
       Vehicle.__init(self, something)

Multiple Inheritance

Pulling methods from more than one class

multiple inheritance

class Combined(Super1, Super2, Super3):
    def __init__(self, something, something else):
        Super1.__init__(self, ......)
        Super2.__init__(self, ......)
        Super3.__init__(self, ......)

(calls to the super class’ __init__ are optional and case dependent, but default should generally be yes)

Method Resolution Order: left to right

  1. Is it an instance attribute ?
  2. Is it a class attribute ?
  3. Is it a superclass attribute ?
    1. is it an attribute of the left-most superclass?
    2. is it an attribute of the next superclass?
    3. ....
  4. Is it a super-superclass attribute ?
  5. also left to right...

( This can get complicated — more on that later...)


Why would you want to do this?

Hierarchies are not always simple:

  • Animal
    • Mammal
      • GiveBirth()
    • Bird
      • LayEggs()

Where do you put a Platypus?

Real World Example: wxPython FloatCanvas:

The Diamond Problem

class A(object):
    def do_your_stuff(self):
        print("doing A's stuff")

class B(A):
    def do_your_stuff(self):
        print("doing B's stuff")

class C(A):
    def do_your_stuff(self):
        print("doing C's stuff")

class D(B,C):
    def do_your_stuff(self):
        print("doing D's stuff")

The Diamond Problem

Multiple paths to the same superclass:


A’s methods can get called twice.

(demo: Examples/advancedOO/

The Method Resolution Order

Python’s Method Resolution Order ( MRO ) is defined by the C3 linearization algorithm:

In C3, only the last occurrence of a given class is retained.

In short: corrects the multiple calls to the same method problem

The classic description of modern MRO by Guido:

And one more:

demo: Examples/advancedOO/


super() can handle the MRO for you dynamically

Getting the superclass:

class SafeVehicle(Vehicle):
    Safe Vehicle subclass of Vehicle base class...
    def __init__(self, position=0, velocity=0, icon='S'):
        Vehicle.__init__(self, position, velocity, icon)

Vehicle is repeated here – what if we wanted to change the superclass?

And there were a bunch of references to Vehicle?


Getting the superclass:

class SafeVehicle(Vehicle):
    Safe Vehicle subclass of Vehicle base class
    def __init__(self, position=0, velocity=0, icon='S'):
        super().__init__(position, velocity, icon)

super is about more than just making it easier to refactor.

Remember the method resolution order?

And the diamond problem?

What does super() do?

class ChildB(Base):
    def __init__(self):
        mro = type(self).mro()
        for next_class in mro[mro.index(ChildB) + 1:]: # slice to end
            if hasattr(next_class, '__init__'):

super returns a “proxy object” that delegates method calls.

It’s not returning the object itself – but you can call methods on it.

It runs through the method resolution order (MRO) to find the method you call.

Key point: the MRO is determined at run time

Not the same as calling one superclass method: super() will call all the sibling superclass methods:

class D(C, B, A):
    def __init__(self):

same as:

class D(C, B, A):
    def __init__(self):

You may not want that –

super() mechanics

In python3, you can usually call super() with no arguments:

class B(A):
    def a_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
        super().a_method(*args, **kwargs)

However, the actual signature is:

super(type[, object-or-type])

and in py2, you needed to specify those:

class B(A):
    def a_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
        super(B, self).a_method(*args, **kwargs)

So why in the world do you need to specify both B (the type), and self (the instance?)

In py3, those two values are “magically” taken from context.

But super() still needs to know that info.

super() determines the method resolution at run-time, so it needs to know two things:

  • The mro of current instance
  • The current position in the mro

Note that while self needs to be a subclass of B here, it may not actually be an instance of B – it could be a subclass.

That’s why both need to be specified.

Let’s experiment with some of this:

demo: Examples/advancedOO/super_test.ipnb

For more information about super()

Two seminal articles about super():

Super Considered Harmful

  • James Knight

super() Considered Super!

  • Raymond Hettinger

(Both worth reading....)

super() issues...

Both actually say similar things:

  • The method being called by super() needs to exist
  • Every occurrence of the method needs to use super():
    • Use it consistently, and document that you use it, as it is part of the external interface for your class, like it or not.

calling super():

The caller and callee need to have a matching argument signature:

Never call super with anything but the exact arguments you received, unless you really know what you’re doing.

If you add one or more optional arguments, always accept

*args, **kwargs

and call super like

super().method(args_declared, *args, **kwargs)


In Examples/advancedOO/, you will find a few Vehicle classes laid out in a hierarchy

The log() method is defined on Vehicle then called on a couple of instances

Modify the class definition for Bike to mix in fancier log() method from LoggingMixin

Does the output change accordingly? If it didn’t, look at the MRO for Bike? Is it what you expected?


Into the depths of object creation:

What really happens when a class instance is created?

Class Creation

What happens when a class instance is created?

This is the usual thing...

class Class():
    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2
  • A new instance is created
  • __init__ is called
  • The code in __init__ is run to initialize the instance

Note that self is already an instance of the class.

What if you need to do something before creation?

Enter: __new__

class Class():
    def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2):
        return cls(...)
  • __new__ is called: it returns a new instance
  • The code in __new__ is run to pre-initialize the instance
  • __init__ is called
  • The code in __init__ is run to initialize the instance

__new__ is a static method – but it must be called with a class object as the first argument.

class Class(superclass):
    def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2):
        return superclass.__new__(cls)

cls is the class object.

The arguments (arg1, arg2) are what’s passed in when calling the class.

It needs to return a class instance – usually by directly calling the superclass __new__

If nothing else, you can call object.__new__ (or super().__new__)

When to use __new__

When would you need to use it:

  • Subclassing an immutable type:
    • It’s too late to change it once you get to __init__
  • When __init__ is not called:
    • unpickling
    • copying

You may need to put some code in __new__ to make sure things go right

More detail here:





Write a subclass of int that will always be an even number: round the input to the closest even number:



Wrap Up

Thinking OO in Python:

Think about what makes sense for your code:

  • Code re-use
  • Clean APIs
  • ...

Don’t be a slave to what OO is supposed to look like.

Let OO work for you, not create work for you.

Wrap Up

OO in Python:

The Art of Subclassing: – Raymond Hettinger

“classes are for code re-use – not creating taxonomies”

Stop Writing Classes: – Jack Diederich

“I hate code: I want as little of it in our product as possible”


“If your class has only two methods and one of them is __init__ – you don’t need a class”