.. _exercise_mailroom_meta: Mailroom -- metaprogramming it! =============================== So far, your mailroom program may not have any way to save or re-load the donor data. Some of you may have added code to save and load the data in a text file or JSON, but even if you have, you might want a more flexivle and extensible system once your data gets more complicated. JSON ---- `JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) `_ is a format borrowed from the Web -- Javascript being the de-facto scripting language in browsers. It is a great format for communicating with browsers, but it has become a common serialization format for many other uses: it is simple, flexible, and human-readable and writable. It also maps pretty much directly to (some of) the core Python datatypes: lists, dictionaries, strings, and numbers. So JSON is a nice way to save data for a program like Mailman. Goal ---- Your goal is to use a JSON-save system started in the Metaprogramming Lesson (:ref:`metaprogramming`) to make your model classes saveable and loadable as JSON. YOu can download the package here: :download:`json_save.zip ` And it may also be in your class repo solutions dir: ``solutions/metaprogramming/json_save/`` You can use either the decorator-based or meta-class based approach. You may need to extend the JSON-save module a bit to make it work for you! When you are done, your class that holds the database of donors and their data should have ``save`` and ``load`` methods that will, naturally, save and load the entire dataset. **make sure it's tested!**