Python Certificate Program Course Materials

This site holds many of the materials for the University of Washington Professional and Continuing Education Python Certificate:

This site can be thought of as the textbook for the first two courses in the program. It contains notes about the topics covered in the classes, programming exercises, supplemental materials about setting up a development environment, and assorted references about Python-related topics.

Example Code

Assorted Example code can be found in the repository here (but most of it should be provided to you by your instructors in the class repository or other sources)


About this Site

This site is Open Source, released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.

It is built with the Sphinx documentation system, utilizing Restructured Text (rst) markup.

It is managed in this gitHub repository:

Readers are encouraged to report omissions, typos, or make suggestions for improvements via issues and pull requests on that repository.