Session Ten: Functional Programming¶
Review & Questions¶
Code review – let’s take a look.
Lightning Talks¶
Functional Programming¶
No real consensus about what that means.
But there are some “classic” methods available in Python.
“maps” a function onto a sequence of objects – It applies the function to each item in the list, returning another list
In [23]: l = [2, 5, 7, 12, 6, 4]
In [24]: def fun(x):
return x*2 + 10
In [25]: map(fun, l)
Out[25]: [14, 20, 24, 34, 22, 18]
But if it’s a small function, and you only need it once:
In [26]: map(lambda x: x*2 + 10, l)
Out[26]: [14, 20, 24, 34, 22, 18]
“filters” a sequence of objects with a boolean function –
It keeps only those for which the function is True – filtering our the rest.
To get only the even numbers:
In [27]: l = [2, 5, 7, 12, 6, 4]
In [28]: filter(lambda x: not x%2, l)
Out[28]: [2, 12, 6, 4]
If you pass None
to filter()
, you get only items that evaluate to true:
In [1]: l = [1, 0, 2.3, 0.0, 'text', '', [1,2], [], False, True, None ]
In [2]: filter(None, l)
Out[2]: [1, 2.3, 'text', [1, 2], True]
“reduces” a sequence of objects to a single object with a function that combines two arguments
To get the sum:
In [30]: l = [2, 5, 7, 12, 6, 4]
In [31]: reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, l)
Out[31]: 36
To get the product:
In [32]: reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, l)
Out[32]: 20160
In [13]: import operator
In [14]: reduce(operator.mul, l)
Out[14]: 20160
Couldn’t you do all this with comprehensions?
In [33]: [x+2 + 10 for x in l]
Out[33]: [14, 17, 19, 24, 18, 16]
In [34]: [x for x in l if not x%2]
Out[34]: [2, 12, 6, 4]
In [6]: l
Out[6]: [1, 0, 2.3, 0.0, 'text', '', [1, 2], [], False, True, None]
In [7]: [i for i in l if i]
Out[7]: [1, 2.3, 'text', [1, 2], True]
(Except Reduce)
But Guido thinks almost all uses of reduce are really sum()
Functional Programming¶
Comprehensions and map, filter, reduce are all “functional programming” approaches}
map, filter
and reduce
pre-date comprehensions in Python’s history
Some people like that syntax better
And “map-reduce” is a big concept these days for parallel processing of “Big Data” in NoSQL databases.
(Hadoop, MongoDB, etc.)
List comprehensions¶
A bit of functional programming
consider this common for
loop structure:
new_list = []
for variable in a_list:
This can be expressed with a single line using a “list comprehension”
new_list = [expression for variable in a_list]
What about nested for loops?
new_list = []
for var in a_list:
for var2 in a_list2:
Can also be expressed in one line:
new_list = [exp for var in a_list for var2 in a_list2]
You get the “outer product”, i.e. all combinations.
But usually you at least have a conditional in the loop:
new_list = []
for variable in a_list:
if something_is_true:
You can add a conditional to the comprehension:
new_list = [expr for var in a_list if something_is_true]
In [341]: [x**2 for x in range(3)]
Out[341]: [0, 1, 4]
In [342]: [x+y for x in range(3) for y in range(5,7)]
Out[342]: [5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8]
In [343]: [x*2 for x in range(6) if not x%2]
Out[343]: [0, 4, 8]
Get creative....
[name for name in dir(__builtin__) if "Error" in name]
Set Comprehensions¶
You can do it with sets, too:
new_set = { value for variable in a_sequence }
same as for loop:
new_set = set()
for key in a_list:
Example: finding all the vowels in a string...
In [19]: s = "a not very long string"
In [20]: vowels = set('aeiou')
In [21]: { l for l in s if l in vowels }
Out[21]: {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o'}
Side note: why did I do set('aeiou')
rather than just aeiou ?
Dict Comprehensions¶
Also with dictionaries
new_dict = { key:value for variable in a_sequence}
same as for loop:
new_dict = {}
for key in a_list:
new_dict[key] = value
In [22]: { i: "this_%i"%i for i in range(5) }
Out[22]: {0: 'this_0', 1: 'this_1', 2: 'this_2',
3: 'this_3', 4: 'this_4'}
(not as useful with the dict()
Lightning Talk¶
Anonymous functions¶
In [171]: f = lambda x, y: x+y
In [172]: f(2,3)
Out[172]: 5
Content of function can only be an expression – not a statement
Anyone remember what the difference is?
Called “Anonymous”: it doesn’t get a name.
It’s a python object, it can be stored in a list or other container
In [7]: l = [lambda x, y: x+y]
In [8]: type(l[0])
Out[8]: function
And you can call it:
In [9]: l[0](3,4)
Out[9]: 7
Functions as first class objects¶
You can do that with “regular” functions too:
In [12]: def fun(x,y):
....: return x+y
In [13]: l = [fun]
In [14]: type(l[0])
Out[14]: function
In [15]: l[0](3,4)
Out[15]: 7
A bit more about lambda¶
It is very useful for specifying sorting as well:
In [55]: lst = [("Chris","Barker"), ("Fred", "Jones"), ("Zola", "Adams")]
In [56]: lst.sort()
In [57]: lst
Out[57]: [('Chris', 'Barker'), ('Fred', 'Jones'), ('Zola', 'Adams')]
In [58]: lst.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
In [59]: lst
Out[59]: [('Zola', 'Adams'), ('Chris', 'Barker'), ('Fred', 'Jones')]
lambda in keyword arguments¶
In [186]: l = []
In [187]: for i in range(3):
l.append(lambda x, e=i: x**e)
In [189]: for f in l:
Note when the keyword argument is evaluated: this turns out to be very handy!
Closures and function Currying¶
Defining specialized functions on the fly
“Closures” and “Currying” are cool CS terms for what is really just defining functions on the fly.
you can find a “proper” definition here:
but I even have trouble following that.
So let’s go straight to an example:
def counter(start_at=0):
count = [start_at]
def incr():
count[0] += 1
return count[0]
return incr
What’s going on here?
We have stored the start_at
value in a list.
Then defined a function, incr
that adds one to the value in the list, and returns that value.
[ Quiz: why is it: count = [start_at]
, rather than just count=start_at
So what type of object do you get when you call counter()
In [37]: c = counter(start_at=5)
In [38]: type(c)
Out[38]: function
So we get a function back – makes sense. The def
defines a function, and that function is what’s getting returned.
Being a function, we can, of course, call it:
In [39]: c()
Out[39]: 6
In [40]: c()
Out[40]: 7
Each time is it called, it increments the value by one.
But what happens if we call counter()
multiple times?
In [41]: c1 = counter(5)
In [42]: c2 = counter(10)
In [43]: c1()
Out[43]: 6
In [44]: c2()
Out[44]: 11
So each time counter()
is called, a new function is created. And that function has its own copy of the count
object. This is what makes in a “closure” – it carries with it the scope in which is was created.
the returned incr
function is a “curried” function – a function with some parameters pre-specified.
The functools
module in the standard library provides utilities for working with functions:
Creating a curried function turns out to be common enough that the functools.partial
function provides an optimized way to do it:
What functools.partial does is:
- Makes a new version of a function with one or more arguments already filled in.
- The new version of a function documents itself.
def power(base, exponent):
"""returns based raised to the give exponent"""
return base ** exponent
Simple enough. but what if we wanted a specialized square
and cube
We can use functools.partial
to partially evaluate the function, giving us a specialized version:
square = partial(power, exponent=2) cube = partial(power, exponent=3)
You’ve seen functions that call other functions.
If a function calls itself, we call that recursion
Like with other functions, a call within a call establishes a call stack
With recursion, if you are not careful, this stack can get very deep.
Python has a maximum limit to how much it can recurse. This is intended to save your machine from running out of RAM.
Recursion is especially useful for a particular set of problems.
For example, take the case of the factorial function.
In mathematics, the factorial of an integer is the result of multiplying that integer by every integer smaller than it down to 1.
5! == 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
We can use a recursive function nicely to model this mathematical function
Where we’ve been....¶
Python 100¶
Once upon a time, there was a little scripting language called Python.
Python 100, this course, is designed to provide the basics or the core of the language.
By the end of this course you should be able to “create something useful” with Python.
Python 200¶
Also known as Internet Programming with Python, Python 200 is designed to provide the basics of web programming.
Here, already, you’re going to run into Python language constructs that were once upon a time considered “optional.”
Python 300¶
“As soon as an optional advanced language feature is used by anyone in an organization, it is no longer optional–it is effectively imposed on everyone in the organization. The same holds true for externally developed software you use in your systems–if the software’s author uses an advanced or extraneous language feature, it’s no longer entirely optional for you, because you have to understand the feature to reuse or change the code.”
“Generators, decorators, slots, properties, descriptors, metaclasses, context managers, closures, super, namespace packages, unicode, function annotations, relative imports, keyword-only arguments, class and static methods, and even obscure applications of comprehensions and operator overloading....
If any person or program you need to work with uses such tools, they automatically become part of your required knowledge base too. The net effect of such over-engineering is to either escalate learning requirements radically, or foster a user base that only partially understands the tools they employ. This is obviously less than ideal for those hoping to use Python in simpler ways, and contradictory to the scripting motif.”
– Mark Lutz on Optional Language Features
. . . and where we’re going¶
We’ve been learning to drive this car called Python. You’ll learn more about how to drive it in Python 200.
In Python 300 we give you the tools to become a mechanic.
In the meantime you should at least be familiar with some of these language constructs....
Where could you go from here?¶
Know Python’s built-in functions¶
Many of these should at this point be familiar.
Get to know the others.
Scan the PEPs¶
Python Enhancement Proposals
Know what sorts of topics are discussed. Find the ones that interest you and could assist in your work.
These will provided clarity into the sorts of problems the language designers are trying to solve, how they choose to solve them, and the tradeoffs they needed to make. PEPs also provide hints to alternative solutions.
Scan What’s New¶
When a new version of Python is released, scan the release notes.
Read the source¶
Let’s say you want to learn more about lambda or classes. Search the code for related terms to see how the pros do it.
Contribute to a project¶
Go to and search for something that interests you.
Go to Meetups¶
Take Py200 and Py300¶
Py200 – Internet Programming in Python
Py300 – Systems Development in Python
Review framing questions¶
Closures & Currying¶
Multi-methods in Python¶
GvR on Multi-methods