A Small Example Package

  • Create a small package

    • package structure

    • setup.py

    • python setup.py develop

    • at least one working test

  • Here is a ridiculously simple and useless package to use as an example:


Unzip that, and you will find:

capital_mod.py: The module that does the "real work"

cap_data.txt: A data file needed by the module

main.py: the actual main function that runs the script.

cap_script.py: A simple top-level script -- all it does is call ``main``

test_capital_mod.py: test code for the module

sample_text_file.txt: an example file you can use to try it out.

Your mission is to put all these files in an package hierarchy, and then write a simple setup.py file that will build and install it as a package.