Packages and Packaging

Packages, Modules, Imports, Oh My!

Before we get started on making your own package – let’s remind ourselves about packages and modules, and importing….


A python “module” is a single namespace, with a collection of values:

  • functions

  • constants

  • class definitions

  • really any old value.

A module usually corresponds to a single file:


A “package” is essentially a module, except it can have other modules (and indeed other packages) inside it.

A package usually corresponds to a directory with a file in it called and any number of python files or other package directories:


The can be totally empty – or it can have arbitrary python code in it. The code will be run when the package is imported – just like a module.

Modules inside packages are not automatically imported. So, with the above structure:

import a_package

will run the code in a_package/ Any names defined in the will be available in:




will not exist. To get submodules, you need to explicitly import them like so:

import a_package.module_a

More on Importing

You usually import a module like this:

import something


from something import something_else

or a few names from a package:

from something import (name_1,

You also can optionally rename stuff as you import it:

import numpy as np

This is a common pattern for using large packages (maybe with long names) and not having to type a lot.

import *

from something import *

Means: “import all the names in the module, “something”.

You really don’t want to do that! It is an old pattern that is now an anti-pattern.

But if you do encounter it, it doesn’t actually import all the names – it imports the ones defined in the module’s __all__ variable.

__all__ is a list of names that you want import * to import. So the module author can control it, and not accidentally override builtins or bring a lot of extraneous names into your namespace.

But really,

Don’t Use ``import *``

Relative imports

Relative imports were added with PEP 328:

The final version is described here:

This gets confusing! There is a good discussion on Stack Overflow here:

Relative Imports for the Billionth Time

Relative imports allow you to refer to other modules relative to where the existing module is in the package hierarchy, rather than in the entire python module namespace. For instance, with the following package structure:


You can do (in

from .moduleY import spam
from . import moduleY
from ..subpackage1 import moduleY
from ..subpackage2.moduleZ import eggs
from ..moduleA import foo
from ...package import bar
from ...sys import path

Similarly to command line shells:

“.” means “the current package”

“..” means “the package above this one”

Note that you have to use the from form of import when using relative imports.

(That’s current package, not current module!)


  • you can only use relative imports from within a package

  • you can not use relative imports from the interpreter

  • you can not use relative imports from a top-level script (if __name__ is set to __main__. So the same python file with relative imports can work if it’s imported, but not if it’s run as a script)

The alternative is to always use absolute imports:

from package.subpackage import moduleX
from package.moduleA import foo

Advantages of Relative Imports:

  • Package does not have to be installed

  • You can move things around, and not much has to change

Advantages of Absolute Imports

  • explicit is better than implicit

  • imports are the same regardless of where you put the package

  • imports are the same in package code, command line, tests, scripts, etc.

There is debate about which is the “one way to do it” – a bit unpythonic, but you’ll need to make your own decision.


sys.modules is simply a dictionary that stores all the already imported modules. The keys are the module names, and the values are the module objects themselves.


Remember that everything in Python is an object – including modules. So they can be stored in lists and dict, assigned names, even passed to functions – just like any other object. They are not often used that way, but they can be.

In [3]: import sys

In [4]: type(sys.modules)
Out[4]: dict

In [6]: sys.modules['textwrap']
Out[6]: <module 'textwrap' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/'>

In [10]: [var for var in vars(sys.modules['textwrap']) if var.startswith("__")]

You can access the module through the sys.modules dict:

In [12]: sys.modules['textwrap'].__file__
Out[12]: '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/'

Which is the same as:

In [13]: import textwrap

In [14]: textwrap.__file__
Out[14]: '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/'

In [15]: type(textwrap)
Out[15]: module

In [16]: textwrap is sys.modules['textwrap']
Out[16]: True

So, more or less, when you import a module, the interpreter:

  • Looks to see if the module is already in sys.modules.

  • If it is, it binds a name to the existing module in the current module’s namespace.

  • If it isn’t:

  • A module object is created

  • The code in the file is run

  • The module is added to sys.modules

  • The module is added to the current namespace.

Implications of module import process:

  • The code in a module only runs once per program run.

  • Importing a module again is cheap and fast.

  • Every place your code imports a module it gets the same object - You can use this to share “global” state where you want to.

  • If you change the code in a module while the program is running – the change will not show up, even if re-imported.

    • That’s what importlib.reload() is for.

The module search path

The interpreter keeps a list (sys.path) of all the places that it looks for modules or packages when you do an import:

import sys
for p in sys.path:
    print p

you can manipulate that list to add or remove paths to let python find modules in a new place.

Every module has a __file__ name that points to the path it lives in. This lets you add paths relative to where you are, etc.


It’s usually better to use setuptools’ “develop” mode (or pip install -e) instead of messing with sys.path – see below.


One “gotcha” in Python is “name shadowing”. The interpreter automatically adds the “current working directory” to sys.path. This means you can start the interpreter and just import something to work with your code. But if you happen to have a python file, or package, in your current working directory that’s the same as an installed package, then it will get imported instead, which can lead to some odd errors. If you are getting confusing errors on import – check for python modules in your current working directory that may match an installed package!


Once loaded, a module stays loaded.

If you import it again (usually in another module) it will simply use the version already there – rather than re-running the code.

And you can access all the already loaded modules from sys.modules. sys.modules is a dict with the module names as the keys, and the module objects as the values

In [4]: import sys

In [5]: sys.modules.keys()
Out[5]: dict_keys(['builtins', 'sys', '_frozen_importlib', '_imp', '_warnings', '_thread', '_weakref', '_frozen_importlib_external', '_io', 'marshal', 'posix', 'zipimport', 'encodings', 'codecs', '_codecs'

A lot there!

There’s no reason too – but you could import an already imported module like so:

In [10]: math = sys.modules['math']

In [11]: math.sin(math.pi)
Out[11]: 1.2246467991473532e-16

In [12]: math.sin(math.pi / 2)
Out[12]: 1.0

Python Distributions

So far, we’ve used the Python from It works great, and supports a lots of packages via pip.

But there are also a few “curated” distributions. These provide python and a package management system for hard-to-build packages.

Widely used by the scipy community:

(lots of hard to build stuff that needs to work together…)

Conda has seen a LOT of growth in the last few years – it’s based on the open-source conda packaging system, and provides both a commercial curated set of packages, and a community-developed collection of packages known as conda-forge:

If you are doing data science or scientific development – I recommend you take a look at Anaconda, conda and conda-forge.

Installing Packages

Every Python installation has its own stdlib and site-packages folder.

site-packages is the default place for third-party packages.

From source

  • ( install )

  • With the system installer (apt-get, yum, etc…)

From binaries

  • Binary wheels – (More and more of those available)

  • pip should find appropriate binary wheels if they are there.

A bit of history:

In the beginning, there was the distutils:

But distutils is missing some key features:

  • package versioning

  • package discovery

  • auto-install

  • And then came PyPi

  • And then came setuptools (with easy_install)

  • But that wasn’t well maintained…

  • Then there was distribute/pip

  • Which has now been merged back into setuptools

Now it’s pretty stable: pip+setuptools+wheel: use them.

warning – setuptools still provides easy_install, but it has mostly been deprecated, so you really want to use pip. And sometimes setuptools will invoke it for you under the hood by accident :-(

Installing Packages

Actually, it’s still a bit of a mess

But getting better, and the mess is almost cleaned up.

Current State of Packaging

To build packages: setuptools

setuptools provides extensions to the build-in distutils:

But there are a couple of those extensions that you really do need, so most folks use setuptools for everything. In fact, pip itself requires setuptools.

For binary packages: wheels

(installable by pip)

Compiled Packages

Biggest issue is with compiled extensions:

  • (C/C++, Fortran, etc.)

  • You need the right compiler set up


  • Here’s where it gets really ugly

  • Particularly on Windows


Pretty straightforward:

  1. Is there a system package?

  • use it (apt-get install the_package)

  1. Try pip install: it may just work!

  2. Install the dependencies, build from source:

    python build
    python install

(may need “something-devel” packages)


Sometimes simpler:

  1. A lot of packages have Windows wheels now.

  1. But if no binaries:

  • Hope the dependencies are available!

  • Set up the compiler

Each version of Python requires a particular version of the MS Compiler:

MS compiler versions

You can get the one for recent Pythons here.


Lots of Python versions:

  • Apple’s built-in (different for each version of OS)

  • builds

  • 32+64 bit Intel (and even PPC still kicking around)

  • Macports

  • Homebrew

Binary wheels are pretty much compatible between them – yeah!

If you have to build it yourself

Xcode compiler (the right version)

  • Version 3.* for 32 bit PPC+Intel

  • Version > 4.* for 32+64 bit Intel

(make sure to get the SDKs for older versions)

If extra dependencies:

  • macports or homebrew often easiest way to build them

Final Recommendations

First try: pip install

If that doesn’t work:

Read the docs of the package you want to install

Do what they say

(Or use conda!)


virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.

Very useful for developing multiple apps

Or deploying more than one app on one system}

You can find some additional notes here: Working with Virtualenv

NOTE: conda also provides a similar isolated environment system.

Building Your Own Package

The term “package” is overloaded in Python. As defined above, it means a collection of python modules. But it often is used to refer to not just the modules themselves, but the whole collection, with documentation and tests, bundled up and installable on other systems.

Here are the very basics of what you need to know to make your own package.

Why Build a Package?

There are a bunch of nifty tools that help you build, install and distribute packages.

Using a well structured, standard layout for your package makes it easy to use those tools.

Even if you never want to give anyone else your code, a well structured package eases development.

What is a Package?

A collection of modules

  • … and the documentation

  • … and the tests

  • … and any top-level scripts

  • … and any data files required

  • … and a way to build and install it…

Python packaging tools:

The distutils:

from distutils.core import setup

Getting klunky, hard to extend, maybe destined for deprecation…

You really need to use setuptools these days, which fortunatly has a similar API:

from setuptools import setup

pip: for installing packages

wheel: for binary distributions

These are pretty much the standard now – very well maintained by:

“The Python Packaging Authority” – PaPA

This all continues to change quickly, see that site for up to date information.

Where do I go to figure this out?

This is a really good guide:

Python Packaging User Guide:

and a more detailed tutorial:

Follow one of them

There is a sample project here:

(this has all the complexity you might need…)

You can use this as a template for your own packages.

Here is an opinionated update – a little more fancy, but some good ideas:

Rather than doing it by hand, you can use the nifty “cookie cutter” project:

And there are a few templates that can be used with that.

The core template written by the author:

And one written by the author of the opinionated blog post above:

Either are great starting points.


One confusion for folks new to this is that a LOT of the documentation (and tools) around packaging for Python assumes that you are writing a package that is generally useful, and you want to share it with others on PyPi. That is partly because all the people developing the tools and writing about them are doing just that. It’s also harder to distribute a package properly than to simply make one for internal use, so more tools and docs are needed. But it is still useful to make a package of your code if you aren’t going to distribute it, but you don’t need to do everything that is recommended. See: A Package Just for You for a really simple way to do the basics.

Basic Package Structure:



CHANGES.txt: log of changes with each release

LICENSE.txt: text of the license you choose (do choose one!) description of what non-code files to include

README.txt: description of the package – should be written in ReST (for PyPi):


(those are all “metadata” critical if you are distributing to the world – not so much for your own use) distutils/setuptools script for building/installing the package.

bin/: This is where you put top-level scripts

( some folks use scripts )

docs/: the documentation

package_name/: The main package – this is where the code goes.

test/: your unit tests. Options here:

Put it inside the package – this results in the tests getting isntalled with the package, so they can be run after installation, with:

$ pip install package_name
>> import package_name.test
>> package_name.test.runall()


$ pytest --pyargs package_name

Or, if you have a lot of tests, and do not want the entire set installed with the package, you can keep it at the top level.

Some notes on that: Where to put Tests

The File

Your file is what describes your package, and tells the setuptools how to package, build, and install it

It is python code, so you can add anything custom you need to it.

But in the simple case, it is essentially declarative.

An example:

 from setuptools import setup

   # the critical stuff
   packages=['package_name', 'package_name.test'],

   # the good to have stuff: particularly if you are distributing it
   author='An Awesome Coder',
   description='An awesome package that does something',
       "Django >= 1.1.1",


NOTE: this is usually a pretty advanced option – simple packages don’t need this.

setup.cfg provides a way to give the end user some ability to customize the install

It’s an ini style file:


simple to read and write.

command is one of the distutils commands (e.g. build, install)

option is one of the options that command supports.

Note that an option spelled --foo-bar on the command-line is spelled f``foo_bar`` in configuration files.


With a script defined, setuptools, along with pip, can do a lot:

  • builds a source distribution (a tar archive of all the files needed to build and install the package):

    python sdist
  • builds wheels:

    ./ bdist_wheel

(you need the wheel package for this to work: pip install wheel)

  • build from source:

    python build
  • and install:

    python install


pip install .

(the dot means “this directory” – pip will look in the current dir for a file)

  • install in “develop” or “editable” mode:

    python develop


pip install -e .


setuptools can be used by itself to build and install packages. But over the years, pip has evolved to a more “modern” way of doing things. When you install from source with pip – it is using setuptools to do the work, but it changes things around, and installs things in a more modern, up to date, and compatible way. For much use, you won’t notice the difference, but it setuptools still has some old crufty ways of doing things, so it’s better to use pip as a front end as much as possible.


setuptools is an extension to distutils that provides a number of extensions:

from setuptools import setup

superset of the distutils setup

This buys you a bunch of additional functionality:

  • auto-finding packages

  • better script installation

  • resource (non-code files) management

  • develop mode

  • a LOT more

In fact, virtually all python packages use setuptools these days, and there is currently discussion of deprecating distutils, and making setuptools “official”. So you really want to use it.


Wheels are a binary format for packages.

Pretty simple, essentially a zip archive of all the stuff that gets installed, i.e. put in site-packages.

Can be just pure python or binary with compiled extensions

Compatible with virtualenv.

Building a wheel:

python bdist_wheel

pip install packagename will find wheels for Windows and OS-X and “manylinux”

pip install --no-use-wheel avoids that, and forces a source install.


There are a lot of Linux distributions out there. So for a long time, there were not easily available binary wheels for Linux – how could you define a standard with all the Linux distros out there?

Enter “manylinux” – no one thinks you can support all Linux distros, but it was found that you could support many of the common ones, by building on an older version and restricting system libraries. This approach worked well for Canopy and conda, so PyPi adopted a similar strategy with manylinux:

So there are now binary wheels for Linux on PyPi.

The core scipy stack is a great example – you can now pip install numpy on all three systems easily with pip.


The Python package index:

You’ve all used this – pip install searches it.

To upload your package to PyPi:

python register

python sdist bdist_wheel upload

NOTE: only do this if you really want to share your package with the world!

Under Development

Develop mode (or “editable install”) is really really nice:

$ python develop


$ pip install -e ./

(the e stands for “editable” – it is the same thing)

It puts links into the python installation to your code, so that your package is installed, but any changes will immediately take effect.

This way all your test code, and client code, etc, can all import your package the usual way.

No sys.path hacking

Good idea to use it for anything more than a single file project.

(requires setuptools)

Running tests

It can be a good idea to set up your tests to be run from

So that you (or your users) can:

$ pip install .
$ python test

Note: there is debate about whether this is a good idea. But if you want to:

To do this, you need to add a test_suite stanza in


  setup_requires=['pytest-runner', ...],
  tests_require=['pytest', ...],

And create an alias into setup.cfg file:


This may not be required, as pytest will also let you run the tests installed with a package with:

pytest --pyargs package_name



Handling the version number:

One key rule in software (and ANY computer use!):

Never put the same information in more than one place!

With a python package, you want:

import the_package


To return the version string – something like:


Using __version__ is not a requirement, but it is a very commonly used convention – use it!

But you also need to specify it in the


Not Good.

My solution:

Put the version in the package __init__

__version__ = “1.2.3”

In the, you could import the package to get the version number … but it’s not a safe practice to import your package when installing it (or building it, or…)

So: read the __version__ string yourself with code like:

def get_version():
    Reads the version string from the package __init__ and returns it
    with open(os.path.join("capitalize", "")) as init_file:
        for line in init_file:
            parts = line.strip().partition("=")
            if parts[0].strip() == "__version__":
                return parts[2].strip().strip("'").strip('"')
    return None


You can have a script that automatically updates the version number in whatever places it needs to. For instance:

Though I think it’s better to have the version set in the code itself.

Semantic Versioning

Another note on version numbers.

The software development world (at least the open-source one…) has established a standard for what version numbers mean, known as semantic versioning. This is helpful to users, as they can know what to expect they upgrade.

In short, with a x.y.z version number:

x is the Major Version – it could mean changes in API, major features, etc.

  • Likely to to be incompatible with previous versions

y is the Minor Version – added features, etc, that are backwards compatible.

z is the “Patch” Version – bug fixes, etc. – should be fully compatible.

Read all about it:

Dealing with data files

Oftentimes a package will require some files that are not Python code. In that case, you need to make sure the files are included with the package some how.

There are a few ways to do this:

The simplest option: package_data

I personally like the simplest one with the least magic:

    package_data={'pkg_name': ['data/datatfile1',

This is a dict with the keys being the package(s) you want to add data files to. This is required, as a single setup command can install more than one package. The value(s) is a list of filenames, relative to the package - note that in the above example, the “pkg_name” is not part of the path to the file.

WARNING: For some reason, setuptools does not give you an error or warning if it can’t find the files you specify – which is a real shame - makes it harder to debug.

Then you’ll get the data file included in the package in the same place relative to your code regardless of how (or whether) it is installed.


Debugging package building can be kind of tricky: if you install the package, and it doesn’t work, what went wrong?!? One approach that can help is to “build” the package, separately from installing it. setuptools provides a build command: python build that does just that. It will create a build directory, and in there, a lib dir. In there is what will actually get installed – your “built” package. So you can look there and see if your data files are getting included, and everything else about the package.

Now you’ll need to write your code to find that data file. You can do that by using the __file__ module attribute – then the location of the data file will be relative to the __file__ that your code is in. A little massaging with a pathlib.Path should do it. Putting the path to the data directory in the package’s provides a way for the rest of your code to find it.

In pkg_name/

from pathlib import Path

data_dir = data_file = Path(__file__).parent / "data"

Now you can get that dir anywhere else in your code:

from pkg_name import data_dir

More complex option: data_files

Using the data_files setup option lets you put data files outside your package. They will get installed into the path of sys.prefix, so you can find them in your code with a path relative to sys.prefix.

However, this means that the location of the files is different depending on whether the code is properly installed or not. And develop mode (or editable mode) does NOT install the data files.

I honestly can’t think of any reason to do this.

More magic: pkg_resources

setuptools provides a pkg_resources system to access resources (such as data files) of the packages. It is a complex (and I think ugly) system, with lots of features.

But for just using it to find data files, it has some advantages – the primary one that is it can find data files that are inside zipped-up packages. (Python can import modules from zip files, but you can’t easily read data files from inside a zipped package)

To use pkg_resources, you include the files with package_data in but access them with the pkg_resources API:

from pkg_resources import resource_string
foo_config = resource_string(__name__, 'foo.conf')

Command line scripts

The “easy” and traditional way to isntall command line scripts is with the scripts keyword argument to the setup() command:

      scripts = ["bin/"]

This works well on Unix systems (including the mac), but is not as reliable on Windows. All it really does is put a slightly altered copy of the script on PATH – so it will work if it is named with the .py extension and the system is set up to run .py files.

entry points

A more complicated, but better maintained and robust way is to use setuptools “entry points”. Entry points can provide a number of functions, but one of them is to make console scripts. Also an argument to setup(), It is done like so:

    entry_points = {
        'console_scripts': ['script_name=package_name.module_name:main'],

What this does is tell setuptools to make a little wrapper program called “script_name” that will start up python, and run the function called main in the package.module module.

Getting Started With a New Package

For anything but a single-file script (and maybe even then):

  1. Create the basic package structure

  2. Write a

  3. pip install -e .

  4. Put some tests in package/test

  5. pytest in the test dir, or pytest --pyargs package_name

or use “Cookie Cutter”:

LAB: A Small Example Package

  • Create a small package

    • package structure


    • python develop

    • at least one working test

  • Here is a ridiculously simple and useless package to use as an example:

Or go straight to making a package of your mailroom project.