Individual Project

For the second quarter of the class, in addition to the weekly exercises, you are expected to complete an individual project.

The goals of this are twofold:

  1. To show us that you have learned something in this class. One of the goals of the class is that at the end, you will be “able to do something useful with Python”.
  2. To give you the opportunity to work on something that is of interest to you, and get a bit of code review from us in the process. Many of you are taking this class with a particular goal or use-case in mind, here’s your chance to work on that.


The requirements are pretty simple:

  • It can be for fun, or something you need for your job.
  • It should be large enough to take a couple weeks homework time to do. And not so large as to take more than that.
  • It should demonstrate that you can do something useful with python.
  • It should follow PEP8 (
  • It should have unit tests! – and near 100% test coverage.
  • Ideally, it will be in version control (gitHub or similar – you can use the class repo, or create a new one just for your project).
  • You are not required to use any specific python features (i.e. classes): use what is appropriate for your project.
  • If more than a single script, it should be in a python package with a script.

** Due the Sunday after the last class **

NOTE: If you are doing a work related project, and are not able to put your code online, that’s fine – you can send your instructors a copy via email or whatever – we just need to know what you’ve done.

Make sure to get in touch with your instructors if you haven’t figured out what to do by the eighth week!