Python Classes

“Classes” are the core of Object Oriented Programming.

They provide the tools for encapsulation (keeping the data with the functions) and subclassing and polymorphism.

How are classes made in Python?

The class statement

The class statement creates a new type object:

In [4]: class C:
In [5]: type(C)
Out[5]: type

A class is a type – interesting!

It is created when the statement is run – much like def.

So we now have a new type, or class – it doesn’t have any actual functionality, though by default all classes “inherit” from object. In doing so they get some minimal functionality from that:

In [3]: issubclass(C, object)
Out[3]: True

We can print it:

In [4]: print(C)
<class '__main__.C'>

And look at all the methods it has!

In [5]: dir(C)

Most of those don’t do anything – but they are there, so every class is guaranteed to have all the “stuff” Python expects objects to have.

In order for the class to do anything useful, it needs to be given attributes and methods.

A simple class

About the simplest class you can write that is still useful:

>>> class Point:
...     x = 1
...     y = 2
>>> Point
<class __main__.Point at 0x2bf928>
>>> Point.x
>>> p = Point()
>>> p
<__main__.Point instance at 0x2de918>
>>> p.x

This looks a lot like a “struct” in C – Python doesn’t have structures, so yes, a class with no methods (functions) is essentially a struct.

Basic Structure of a class

class Point:
# everything defined in here is in the class namespace

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

so this class has a method called “__init__” – which is a Python special method.


The Initializer

The __init__ special method is called when a new instance of a class is created.

You can use it to do any set-up you need:

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

It gets the arguments passed when you call the class object:

Point(x, y)

Once you have defined an __init__, you can create “instances” of the class:

p = Point(3,4)

And access the attributes:

print("p.x is:", p.x)
print("p.y is:", p.y)


What is this self thing?

The instance of the class is passed as the first parameter for every method.

The name “self” is only a convention – but you DO want to use it.

class Point:
    def a_function(self, x, y):

Does this look familiar from C-style procedural programming?

Anything assigned to a self. attribute is kept in the instance name space – self is the instance.

That’s where all the instance-specific data is.

Class Attributes

class Point(object):
    size = 4
    color= "red"
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

Anything assigned in the class scope is a class attribute – every instance of the class shares the same one.

Note: the methods defined by def are class attributes as well.

The class is one namespace, the instance is another.

class Point:
    size = 4
    color = "red"
    def get_color(self):
        return self.color
>>> p3.get_color()

So in this case, size and color are class attributes.

But note in get_color – it accesses color from self:

class attributes are accessed with self also.

So what is the difference?

  • class attributes are shared by ALL the instances of the class.
  • each instance has its own copy of each instance attribute.


In [6]: class C:
   ...:     x = [1,2,3] # class attribute
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:         self.y = [4,5,6] # instance attribute

In [7]: c1 = C()

In [8]: c2 = C()

In [9]: c1.x is c2.x # does each instance see the same x?
Out[9]: True

In [10]: c1.y is c2.y # does each instance see the same y?
Out[10]: False

But what are the consequences of this? It’s a very important distinction. watch what happens if we change something in these objects, adding a new item to both the lists in c1:

# add an item to c1's x list
In [5]: c1.x.append(100)

In [6]: c1.x
Out[6]: [1, 2, 3, 100]

In [7]: c2.x
Out[7]: [1, 2, 3, 100]

Note that adding something to c1.x also changed c2.x that is because they are the same list – .x is a class attribute – c1 and c2 share the same class, so they share the same class attributes.

But if we change y, an instance attribute:

In [8]: c1.y.append(200)

In [9]: c1.y
Out[9]: [4, 5, 6, 200]

In [10]: c2.y
Out[10]: [4, 5, 6]

appending to c1.y did not change c2.yy in this case is a an instance attribute – each instance has its own version – changing one will not affect the others.

So when you are deciding where to “put” something, you need to think about whether all instances are the same, or if they each need their own version of the attribute. As a class attribute, you can access it from the class namespace as well, and it will affect all instances of that class:

In [11]: C.x.append(2222)

In [12]: c1.x
Out[12]: [1, 2, 3, 100, 2222]

In [13]: c2.x
Out[13]: [1, 2, 3, 100, 2222]

So here we changed x on the class object, C, and the change showed up in all the instances, c1 and c2.

Typical methods

import math

class Circle:
    color = "red"

    def __init__(self, diameter):
        self.diameter = diameter

    def expand(self, factor=2):
        self.diameter = self.diameter * factor
        return None  # note that if you leave that off, it will still return None

    def area(self):
        area = (self.diameter / 2)**2 * math.pi
        return area

Methods take some parameters, and possibly manipulate the attributes in self.

Remember that classes are about encapsulating the data and the functions that act on that data – the methods are the functions that act on the data.

They may or may not return something useful.


It is convent in Python that methods that change the internal state of an object return None, whereas methods that return a new object, or some calculated result without changing the state return that value.

You can see examples of this in the python built ins – methods of lists like append or sort return None.

Gotcha !

    def grow(self, factor=2):
        self.diameter = self.diameter * factor
In [205]: C = Circle(5)
In [206]: C.grow(2,3)

TypeError: grow() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

Huh???? I only gave 2:

self is implicitly passed in for you by Python. so it actually did get three!

Functions (methods) are First Class Objects

Note that in Python, functions are first class objects, so a method is an attribute.

All the same rules apply about attribute access: note that the methods are defined in the class – so they are class attributes. All the instances share the same methods.

But each method gets its own namespace when it is actually called, so there is no confusion – just like when you call a regular function multiple times.

Manipulating Attributes

Python makes it very easy to manipulate object’s attributes – you can access them with the “dot” notation, and simply set them like any other variable. With the Circle class above:

In [15]: c = Circle(2)

In [16]: c.area()
Out[16]: 3.141592653589793

In [17]: c.diameter = 4

In [18]: c.area()
Out[18]: 12.566370614359172

Note that after I changed the diameter attribute, when I called the area() method –it used the new diameter. Simple attribute access changed the state of the object.

So you now know how to:

  • Define a class
  • Give the class shared (class) attributes
  • Add an initializer to set up it’s initial state
  • Add methods to manipulate that state.
  • Add methods that return the results of calculations of the current state

You can do a lot with this simple functionality – but all it’s done is put everything together in a neat package – useful, but the real power of OO comes when you can subclass. So time to move on:

Subclassing and Inheritance