Session 1: Intro to the class and Python

Intro to the class and Python

Pre-class prep

Get your Environment set up!

If you were able to attend the pre-class orientation, you should be all set. if not, then do this:

Install Python

Installing Python and core tools

Set Up a Great Dev Environment

Make sure you have the basics of command line usage down:

Work through the supplemental tutorials on setting up your Command Line (:Shell Customizations for Python Development) for good development support.

Make sure you’ve got your editor set up productively – at the very very least, make sure it does Python indentation and syntax coloring well.

Setting Up A Development Environment For Python

Post-class Activities

Read the rest of Basic Python Syntax intro, if we didn’t have time in class: Basic Python

Finish the Python Pushups exercises: Python Pushups

Finish getting your environment set up.

Do the prep for next class: Session 2: Basic Python and Functions