Context Managers

You’ve seen the with statement – probably used for working with files. Now you’ll learn what that’s all about.

Managing Resources

Repetition in code stinks (DRY!)

A large source of repetition in code deals with the handling of external resources.

As an example, how many times do you think you might type something like the following code:

file_handle = open('filename.txt', 'r')
file_content =
# do some stuff with the contents

Not only is this a couple extra lines of code to write, it’s also prone to error:

What happens if you forget to call .close()?

What happens if reading the file raises an exception?

So you really should write it something like:

    file_handle = open(...)
    file_content =
except IOError:
    print("The file couldn't be opened")

And that is getting pretty ugly, and hard to get right.

Handling General Resources

Leaving an open file handle laying around is bad enough. What if the resource is a network connection, or a database cursor?

Starting in version 2.5, Python provides a structure for reducing the repetition needed to handle resources like this.

Context Managers

You can encapsulate the setup, error handling, and teardown of resources in a few simple steps.

The key is to use the with statement.

with a little help

Since the introduction of the with statement in pep343, the above seven lines of defensive code have been replaced with this simple form:

with open('filename', 'r') as file_handle:
    file_content =
# do something with file_content

The open builtin is defined as a context manager.

The resource it returns (file_handle) is automatically and reliably closed when the code block ends.

At this point in Python history, many functions you might expect to behave this way do:

  • open works as a context manager.

  • network connections via socket do as well.

  • most implementations of database wrappers can open connections or cursors as context managers.

  • But what if you are working with a library that doesn’t support this (urllib)?

Close It Automatically

There are a couple of ways you can go.

If the resource in questions has a .close() method, then you can simply use the closing context manager from contextlib to handle the issue:

from urllib import request
from contextlib import closing

with closing(request.urlopen('')) as web_connection:
    # do something with the open resource
# and here, it will be closed automatically

But what if the thing doesn’t have a close() method, or you’re creating the thing and it shouldn’t have a close() method?

(full confession: urlib.request was not a context manager in py2 – but it is in py3 – but the issue still comes up with third-party packages and your own code!)

Do It Yourself

If you do need to support resource management of some sort, you can create a context manager of your own with the context manager protocol.

The interface is simple. It must be a class that implements two more of the nifty python special methods


Called when the with statement is run, it should return something to work with in the created context.

__exit__(self, e_type, e_val, e_traceback):

Clean-up that needs to happen is implemented here.

The arguments will be the exception raised in the context.

If the exception will be handled here, return True. If not, return False.

Let’s see this in action to get a sense of what happens.

An Example

Consider this code:

class Context(object):
    """from Doug Hellmann, PyMOTW
    def __init__(self, handle_error):
        self.handle_error = handle_error

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        print('__exit__({}, {}, {})'.format(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb))
        return self.handle_error

This class doesn’t do much of anything, but playing with it can help clarify the order in which things happen:

In [46]: with Context(True) as foo:
    ....:     print('This is in the context')
    ....:     raise RuntimeError('this is the error message')
This is in the context
__exit__(<class 'RuntimeError'>, this is the error message,
         <traceback object at 0x1047873c8>)

Because the __exit__ method returns True, the raised error is ‘handled’.

What if we try with False?

In [3]: with Context(False) as foo:
   ...:     print("this is in the context")
   ...:     raise RuntimeError('this is the error message')
this is in the context
__exit__(<class 'RuntimeError'>, this is the error message, <traceback object at 0x10349e888>)
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-8837b3d7f123> in <module>()
      1 with Context(False) as foo:
      2     print("this is in the context")
----> 3     raise RuntimeError('this is the error message')

RuntimeError: this is the error message

So this time, the context manager did not catch the error – so it was raised in the usual way.

The parameters to __exit__

In real life, a context manager could have pretty much any error raised in its context. And the context manager will likely only be able to “properly” handle particular Exceptions.

So the __exit__ method takes all the information about the exception as parameters:

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

exc_type: the type of the Exception

exc_val: the value of the Exception

exc_tb: the Exception Traceback object

The type lets you check if this is a type you know how to handle:

if exc_type is RuntimeError:

The value is the exception object itself.

And the traceback is a full traceback object. Traceback objects hold all the information about the context in which an error occurred. It’s pretty advanced stuff, so you can mostly ignore it, but if you want to know more, there are tools for working with them in the traceback module.

The contextmanager decorator

Similar to writing iterable classes, there’s a fair bit of bookkeeping involved. It turns out you can take advantage of generator functions to do that bookkeeping for you.

contextlib.contextmanager decorator will turn a generator function into context manager.

Consider this code:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def context(boolean):
    print("__init__ code here")
        print("__enter__ code goes here")
        yield object()
    except Exception as e:
        print("errors handled here")
        if not boolean:
            raise e
        print("__exit__ cleanup goes here")

The code is similar to the class defined previously.

And using it has similar results. We can handle errors:

In [96]: with context(True):
   ....:     print("in the context")
   ....:     raise RuntimeError("error raised")
__init__ code here
__enter__ code goes here
in the context
errors handled here
__exit__ cleanup goes here

Or, we can allow them to propagate:

In [51]: with context(False):
   ....:    print("in the context")
   ....:    raise RuntimeError("error raised")
__init__ code here
__enter__ code goes here
in the context
errors handled here
__exit__ cleanup goes here
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-641528ffa695> in <module>()
      1 with context(False):
      2     print "in the context"
----> 3     raise RuntimeError("error raised")
RuntimeError: error raised

Mixing context_managers with generators

You can put a yield inside a context manager as well.

here is a generator function that gives yields all the files in a directory:

import pathlib

def file_yielder(dir=".", pattern="*"):
    iterate over all the files that match the pattern

    pattern use a "glob" pattern, like: *.py
    for filename in pathlib.Path(dir).glob(pattern):
        with open(filename) as file_obj:
            yield file_obj

So the yield is inside the file context manager, so that state will be preserved while the file object is in use.

This generator can be used like so:

In [20]: for f in file_yielder(pattern="*.py"):
    ...:     print("The first line of: {} is:\n{}".format(, f.readline()))

Each iteration through the loop, the previous file gets closed, and the new one opened. If there is an exception raised inside that loop, the last file will get properly closed.